May 27, 2011 ![]()
Kidsplaying toss up during the Let’s Move! in Indian Country launch event
on the Menominee Reservation in Wisconsin on Wednesday, May 25, 2011. (Photoby Gary Garrison, Bureau of Indian Affairs at the U.S. Department of
THIS WEEK Greetings from Let’s Move!Happy Memorial Day!Before the summer hits, wedecided to launch two important initiatives this week.On Monday, we launchedLet’s Move! Museums and Gardens, an initiative to provide opportunities for millions of museum, garden and zoo visitors to learn about healthy food choices and physical activity through interactive exhibits and programs. Ask your museum if they want to make a commitment to be part of Let’s Move! and sign up.I was honored on Wednesday to be part of another new initiative called Let’s Move! in Indian Country.Let’s Move! in Indian Country brings together federal agencies, communities, nonprofits, corporate partners and tribes to end the epidemic of childhood obesity in Indian Country within a generation. I can’t tell you how great it was to watch a sea of children wearing turquoise Let’s Move! t-shirts who had just completed their President’s Active Lifestyle Award PALA– they had 99% participation at the Menominee Tribal School in Wisconsin. Read more about the event here and find out about the special Hollywood star who showed up at the event.Finally, don’t forget to vote in the First Lady’s Recipes for Healthy Kids competition. The selection period for the Popular Choice Award will close soon, so it’s time to make your voice heard.Until next week,Robin Schepper
Executive Director, Let’s Move!Office of the First Lady
Let's Move says: Happy Memorial Day!
May 29, 2011 by