VERONICA – Spiritual Messages: Physical Reality is in Transition
“The linear is a canvas of expression that is created deep within the soul. At this time of existence much is said of the unstable energy that permeates everyone ‘s reality.
The greatest desire is to reach a place of peace and tranquility. The greatest need is for stability in and on all levels of physical participation. Most would settle for a good day of connection to their soul.
Yes the physical reality is in transition. What direction it takes is dependent upon the energy participation of each and every one of you.
The internal relationship to your own soul is the best path to take in this chaotic time-frame.
Participate simply. Be attentive to the whispers of your soul. Your involvement in this raising of consciousness is crucial. You are not just a linear being victim to circumstance. You are an abundant soul having a linear experience. What you express outwardly from your soul does make a difference.
Create time with your soul. Practice random acts of kindness whenever possible. The pool of negativity is large but if each of you consciously decided not to refresh it, eventually it would diminish. Fill your reality instead with positive action. You may feel ineffective at first, especially if you are surrounded by negativity.
Forge ahead hand in hand with your soulful energy. Express those moments of the canvas of your own life. Everything is connected.
Be the one drop of energy expression that changes everything.
It is possible.”
Letters to and from a Spirit Guide
240 Pages
ISBN: 978-0982326961
Available Now
Now available as an Amazon Kindle Book.
(Kindle books can now be read on any computer, iPad, or smart phone.)
New From VERONICA* “Physical Reality is in Transition“This Week’s Features* The launch of “Dear VERONICA: Letters to and from a Spirit Guide was successful enough on Amazon that it qualifies for some good future help from them in terms of search engine placement and special marketing. Thank you!By popular request, we are extending the 3 free special launch promotions for this book until March 6.There are THREE special bonuses that everyone who orders VERONICA’s new book Dear VERONICA: Letters to and from a Spirit Guide on or before Sunday March 6, 2011 will be eligible for, all free.There will be no receipts or order numbers to forward, and no web forms to fill in. Just know your email address.Click HERE for complete details.This is a terrific book! I hope you add it to your personal library Wish us well for a successful publication launch! -Allen* A major flaw in the players on the Radio Show Interviews page of April’s site has been discovered (after 6 months… yikes!!!) with the help of “Inner Whispers” readers and friends on VERONICA’s Facebook page. The flawed players have been taken off line until they can be replaced.* “Dear VERONICA”* VERONICA’s Facebook Page.The Regular Information* How to schedule your own personal one-on-one or group telephone consultations/readings with VERONICA.* The Best Place for more individual book information and to Order April’s Books from AMAZON, including books now on Kindle, is at* Link to a directory of VERONICA’s (free) videos on YouTube.* Our Amazon Affiliate link. If you plan to go to Amazon anyway, if you use our link you will help us… at no cost to you.* Radio Show Status.* Skype is getting Really Good to call anywhere for pennies a minute!* How to Change Your Own Email Address.
VERONICA – Spiritual Messages: Physical Reality is in Transition
March 1, 2011 by admin
Filed Under: VERONICA - INNER WHISPERS Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, chaotic time-frame, enstable energy, internal relationship, linear, peace and tranquility, permeates into reality, physical participation, physical reality, Physical Reality is in Transition, reality, soul, spiritual, spiritual messages, transition, Veronica, women in action, women in transformation, women in transition, women of peace, Women of Spirit, women taking action, women transformed, women with soul