February 22, 2011
A World Focus Event:
A Journey to Peace
At the age of nine Kim Phuc became the iconic figure of how war so cruelly creates victims of innocent children and civilians. Known as the “girl in the picture”; the subject of a Pulitzer prize-winning Vietnam War photo snapped by Nick Ut in 1972 and credited by many as the photo that helped to end the war, the snap of the camera ultimately saved Kim’s life and has allowed her the unique opportunity to tell a story of enduring strength, forgiveness and helping others.Now Kim is an advocate for peace, spreading the message that reconciliation, mutual understanding, dialogue, and negotiation need to replace confrontation and violence as a means of settling conflicts.
Presented by ADRA Canada, a member of the ADRA network located in 125 counties; providing community development and emergency relief in at risk communities, and sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); A World Focus Event: A Journey to Peace features guest speaker Kim Phuc who will provide inspiration, motivation, and education on the need for all Canadians to be agents of peace.Registration for this FREE event is recommended as space is limited.Register online at www.worldfocus.caor by phone at 905-433-8004, toll-free 1-888-274-2372
7:00pm, Sunday March 6, 2011 at the Embassy
416 Taunton Rd W, Oshawa ON L1H 7K4
Register online at www.worldfocus.ca
or by phone at 905-433-8004, toll-free 1-888-274-2372
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Kim Phuc – A Journey of Peace
February 22, 2011 by admin
Filed Under: CANADIAN Tagged With: A Journey of Peace, A Journey to Peace, A World Focus Event, ADRA Canada, CIDA, dialogue, girl in the picture, Innocent children, innocent civilians, Kim Phuc, mutual understanding, negotiation, Nick Ut, Pulitzer prize-winning photo, spreading the message that reconciliation, Vietnam War photo, women advocates for peace, world focus event