HUMAN RIGHTS (Canada) – Ottawa Police Profiling before Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario


Ottawa Police Profiling before Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

Ottawa Police will appear before the Human Rights Tribunal

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

to address complaints of gender & racial profiling,

 in Cook v. Ottawa Police TR-0775-09.


Stacey Bonds

Late in 2010, Ottawa Police were forced to release video recordings showing Ottawa Police assaulting a black female, Stacey Bonds who was stripped and beaten by Ottawa Police; and an aboriginal man Terry Delay, being kicked by Ottawa Police, both while in custody. The Human Rights Tribunal has also received complaints from a black man, Chad Aiken, in 2005 that he was targeted by Ottawa Police for “driving while black“.


To participate in hearing the complaints involving Ottawa Police,

contact the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Registrar,

at: .



Thank you for your concern for Human Rights,

Wayne Cook



 Human Rights Legal Services:


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