A Letter from Mrs. Claus…..
To: The Spiritually Sexy Ones~
My daily meditation left me with an URGENT message from my heavenly helpers.
Time is running out, time is short, the time is now to align to the highest potential of your future being. Over this past year I have seen an alarming number of people that are living their life with emotional pain and struggle.How do you rank in this category on a scale of 1 to 10? 1 is living in hell, depressed, and can’t get out of bed and 10 is living in heavenly bliss. If you are anywhere below 10, adjustments are needed quickly!Do you know why?
Everyone is meant to live in pure joy, abundance, and love, so if you are not, something is out of balance.Do you wake up happy or sobbing?
- Are you joyfully going through your daily tasks or do you feel anguish over where you are at in life?
- Do you resemble the proverbial gerbil running on the wheel of life with no thought to where you are going, but instead feel a large void in your heart that never seems to heal?
- Are you ready to find your passion and live (maybe for the first time ever) in complete peace, love, happiness and abundance?
- Do you think what I am proposing is impossible or too good to be true?
Well, it is….unless you are willing to take a step forward by being accountable for your growth, expansion and healing. You know why this message comes in a timely manner and why I was so urged to send this note forward?There is exactly 24 days to align to your highest visions. If you are in any state of dis-ease, pain, struggle or limitation, 2011 will only bring more of the same, at an ever increased volume. I don’t know about you, but that brings a chill to my heart.Brrrrrrrr OR you have the choice to create your very own and very personal Heaven on earth.You decide the outcome…what life will you choose?This is the good news..
Heaven never brings a message without incredible support and help along with it.
Gift 1: Ask for the help you need. As you ask, so shall you receive.Gift 2: Be open and allow yourself to receive.Gift 3: Treat yourself, your family and friends to a life changing Mindful Meditation CD or Downloadable version of by clicking on the link: http://spiritualityissexy.com/products/mindful-meditation-cdGift 4: A Holographic healing consultation that will propel you forward into your personal Heaven with Pamela Jo McQuade.The first 10 people will get a special value price of $100 for the session.
To schedule click here: http://spiritualityissexy.com/contact.htmGift 5: To be abundant you should look abundant! You may purchase a sparkling Spirituality is Sexy Organic Cotton T~Shirt to make you feel like the star that you came to be.Click here to order: http://spiritualityissexy.com/products/spirituality-is-sexy-t-shirtYou can not afford to miss out on an opportunity to move forward positively!The time is NOW…
Ho, Ho, Ho….Love and light from the Heavenly Realms…Pamela Jo McQuade
PamelaJo McQuade is Taking Action for the Holidays !
December 3, 2010 by