Cortney Litwin : Mercury in Retrograde – Watch out in 2011

Retrograde Mercury for 2011


By Cortney Litwin

I’m often surprised to discover that even if someone doesn’t know much about astrology, they are often knowledgeable about retrograde Mercury. They at least know you shouldn’t sign anything, plan anything or agree to anything until after retrograde Mercury turns direct. That’s often true, but there are ways of getting around this troublesome influence.




Trickster Planet

Here’s the scoop: Every four months, the planet of communications and travel turns retrograde for about three weeks, causing misunderstandings, travel snafus and other annoying glitches that can derail your daily routine.

So should you put your life on hold during these time periods? 

Certainly not! 

However, you will need to be diligent (obsessively so) about the details and fine print – in discussions, online and on paper – concerning whatever you’re trying to accomplish.


Crucial Periods

What’s more, you’ll notice that some retrograde periods will affect your life more than others. For me, there are times when retrograde Mercury passes with little notice, and others when just about everything I try to do encounters a roadblock. It all depends on where Mercury is transiting in an astrology chart. You’ll likely feel the influence most when Mercury is transiting through your 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house. Also, when it’s squaring (90 degrees) or opposing (180 degrees) your natal Mercury.


The Good News…

Retrograde periods help turn you inward, so that you can get in touch with the deeper parts of your consciousness. Retrogrades encourage you to evaluate where you’re headed and your plans for getting there. Meditation, therapy and dream analysis are tools that you can use to work with retrograde Mercury (and other retrograde planets).

So is there a positive side to this influence?

Absolutely, Yes!

On a practical level, retrograde Mercury favors organizing, repairing, eliminating and resolving the past. Organizing your work space and home environment, cleaning out closets, repairing what’s broken, talking about the past and generally tying up loose ends are all retrograde Mercury tasks.

So take note of the following retrograde Mercury periods for 2011, and then be extra mindful when speaking, listening to others and making plans. Getting organized couldn’t hurt, either.


Retrograde Mercury for 2011



Retrograde: March 30 in Aries 24°
Direct: April 23 in Aries 12°

Challenges: Since Aries is the sign of development, launching a new idea or project may be particularly difficult. Also, you may find it challenging to stand up for yourself or express yourself as an individual.

Gifts: Analyzing how you express your ideas and desires will heighten your ability to share your true self.

Most affected: Those with natal Mercury in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, or with Aries in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house.

Retrograde: August 2 in Virgo 1°
Direct: August 26 in Leo 18°

(Since retrograde Mercury backs out of Virgo and into Leo at the start of this period, Leo is the primary influence.)

Challenges: Blocks may arise to starting a new creative project or getting a new romantic relationship off the ground.

Gifts: Doing some soul searching about giving and receiving love will bring insights that improve romance. This influence also favors working on a creative project you’ve already started and/or meditating to get in touch with your inner muse.

Most affected: Those with natal Mercury in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, or with Leo in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house.

Retrograde: November 23 in Sagittarius 20°
Direct: December 13 in Sagittarius 3°

Challenges: Be alert to miscommunications involving education, travel, law or spirituality.

Gifts: Taking some time for your spiritual life and analyzing your future path will bring rewards. Also, it may be time to evaluate your education goals.

Most affected: Those with natal Mercury in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, or with Sagittarius in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house.


Take Action,  just Be Careful….


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