Abundance with the Angels.
Say it out loud…Abundance with the Angels.
One more time (I like things in 3’s)…Abundance with the Angels!
Doesn’t that just feel yummy right down to your tippy toes?!
Abundance is crucial in this time of quick change. My angels share with me that the pace will continue to increase and as we are able to stay focused on what makes us happy to the core, this transition will be exponentially easier for us.
To that end, my angels have asked me to host an ABCs of Abundance Monthly Coaching Circle beginning this Thursday, November 11th at 5pm eastern/2pm pacific. (The event will be recorded if you are not able to attend live.)
During the 90 minutes we meet each month, I will…
deliver a lecture on the topic of abundance with the angels
guide you through an exercise and/or meditation (depends on what my angels guide me to do)
facilitate group EFT® (Emotional Freedom Techniques®) using angel communication to help you release obstacles to your personal brilliance and realization of abundance
This opportunity is available through our Living with the Angels™ Silver Halo Membership which also includes:
a daily angel card reading from one of our talented AngelsTeach teachers, Angelic Life Coaches or Angel Communication Masters
participation in our 123s of Angel Communication Monthly Circle – for education and hands on practice of angel communication techniques
participation and access to recordings of our monthly archangel circle (this month we’re working with Archangel Metatron!)
other workshops such as our Relationships and Human Design which is being held this month and continuing into December
a Weight-loss & Body Image with the Angels Monthly Healing Circle which will begin in January.
a weekly angel message, lesson and personalized angel card reading from me
periodic specials available to members-only (e.g. tuition payment plans, product discounts, etc…)
access to our members-only community on Facebook where you’ll find all kinds of like-minded earth angels!
educational videos on topics of meditation techniques, building a mindset of abundance, creating healthy relationships (which I will be filming this week!)
access to our archives of past audios, videos, postings, etc. on our online Living with the Angels forum
Plus, of course, the ABCs of Abundance with the Angels which begins this Thursday!
My intention with Living with the Angels™ Silver Halo Membership is to offer a wide – and growing – selection of tools, education and events to help you discover your highest potential with your angels, get connected with a community of like-minded angel-loving friends (let’s face it, angel communication is rarely a dinner table conversation!) and explore a world where compassion, grace, wisdom, respect and love rule.
My intention is support you as you reclaim your inner authority through a deeper relationship with the angels.
My intention is for you to get as much as you can at a reasonable price during this time when many are feeling financially pinched.
The cost for all of this at the Silver Halo level is just $14.97/month.
So, if you are not already a Silver Halo member and are inspired to join us…
And while we hope you enjoy what you find when you join Living with the Angels™, if you don’t wish to continue, you can unsubscribe at any time.
Though we pray that you’ll discover what over 150 other members are already experiencing… angelic magic!
For a little taste of the daily magic, here’s the angel card reading that our members received this morning…
![]() Message from the Angels – Tuesday, November 9th from Barb Andrew, AngelsTeach Teacher & Angelic Life Coach®
Good morning everyone!
I pulled this bright card several days ago and have been wondering what it’s about. This morning a message from the angels helped to clarify it.
We can become locked into memories or thoughts from the past. Often these can be regrets or a sense of guilt or dismay – wishing things had been different. We can go around and around with these locked into a pattern of thoughts that don’t serve us. “Lost in the equation” as one of the other cards describes.
Sometimes we just need to recognize that. To say ‘stop’. We can transform and slow those thoughts by asking that they be transmuted into liquid love and allowed to dissipate, to go where that love is most needed.
We can ask the angels to help as archetypes of our higher selves. In handling repetitive thoughts that way, we are letting go of what no longer serves us and allowing those no longer helpful thoughts to once gain become something magical, useful and wonderful.
We can transform thoughts anywhere – on a crowded subway or while driving our cars, while with our children or while resting. It’s so wonderful to be able to slow those endless, circular thought patterns and to convert them to the light. Breathe once. And again. Feel the power we have over our thoughts.
When we do that we then have room for those golden memories that bring us joy and peace to step forward, seep in and surround us. Awe…
Golden blessings to you.
![]() Golden Memories from the Universal Wisdom Deck by Toni Carmine Salerno
What a nice way to start the day, eh?!!
If you’re feeling the pull…
Enjoy your day with the angels!
Blessings of Love, Joy and Abundance,
Rev. Nina
P.S. Abundance with the Angels! Is there any other way?