OMTimes Magazine, Drunvalo Melchizedek

OM Times Magazine December B Edition With the end of the Mayan Calendar fast approaching, we are Grateful to have Drunvalo Melchizedek on the cover of OMTimes Magazine. When it comes to truly understanding the events surrounding December 21, 2012, it could definitely be stated that Drunvalo Melchizedek is one of the world's foremost experts on the subject. His latest book, The Mayan Ouroboros, talks about the history of the Earth grid, the Atlantean-Egyptian connection that brought it … [Read more...]


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BOLIVIA, enacts the first law with Equal Status for Mother Earth

  Bolivia enshrines natural world's rights, with equal status for Mother Earth   Law of Mother Earth expected to prompt radical new conservation and social measures in South American nation   Bolivia is set to pass the world's first laws granting all nature equal rights to humans. The Law of Mother Earth, now agreed by politicians and grassroots social groups, redefines the country's rich mineral deposits as "blessings" and is expected to lead to radical new … [Read more...]

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