Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "Information without Action is just a great idea." Writer, Lisa Jackson Your Action for Today is: 'To take one of your ideas and take a step toward putting it into Action.' Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the Change that you want to see! Siobhan … [Read more...]
APRIL 2 is World Autism Awareness Day – Take Action
March 29, 2013 by
The 6th Annual World Autism Awareness Day is April 2, 2013. Autism Speaks would like to thank the Empire State Building for the special lighting last year on the evening of April 2 in celebration of the fifth annual United Nations World Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd. Learn more about the Empire State Building at The Empire State Building design is a trademark of ESBC and is used with permission. On December 18, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly … [Read more...]