Conscience is an aptitude, faculty, intuition, or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong. Moral evaluations of this type may reference values or norms (principles and rules). In psychological terms, conscience is often described as leading to feelings of remorse when a human does things that go against his/her moral values, and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when actions conform to such norms. The extent to which conscience informs moral judgment before an … [Read more...]
When Actions Conform ~ WOMEN in RECOVERY
December 17, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: Contributors, RECOVERY, SPIRITUALITY Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, abide, angels, bedridden, conform, conscience, divine, Higher Power, Higher Self, Lisa Beachy, meditation, Pentecostal religious, prayer, principles and rules, psychological terms, recovery, soul, spiritual, spirituality, Take Action, the Creator, When Actions Conform, women in recovery, WOMEN of ACTION™, women taking action