Take part in a groundbreaking event designed to connect a brilliant community of inspired, creative, entrepreneurial women who are leading THE NEW WAVE of purpose-driven achievement. Women taking positive action, is a true Celebration !!! Dear Amazing Woman ... You are a woman who is here to make a difference. You are a trailblazer, an inspired leader, and a Divine source of abundant creativity. Your life is empowered and enlivened with possibilities. Most of all, … [Read more...]
NHAS Implementation Dialogues – Register NOW
September 13, 2011 by
By James Albino, Senior Program Manager, Office of National AIDS Policy (Cross-posted from The White House Office of National AIDS Policy Blog) NHAS Implementation Dialogues In two earlier blog posts we outlined the topic and format for a series of regional dialogues that the White House Office of National AIDS Policy will convene to focus attention on issues related to implementation of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. These events will be a forum for Federal, state and local … [Read more...]