Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "Transform adversity into an enjoyable challenge!" Author and Researcher, Mihalyi Czikszent Your Action for today is: 'to take something you have been struggling with and tell yourself that you will find a way to make it more enjoyable. And then proceed to do so.' Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the Change that you want to … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "Putting off an easy thing makes it hard. Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible." Writer, George Lorimer Your Action for today is 'to complete something you have been putting off.' Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the change that you want to see! Siobhan Wilcox 3435 Camino Del Rio Sth, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92108 … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people." U.S. Navy Admiral, Hyman Rickover Your Action for today is: 'to review the conversations you've had the past two days: have you been discussing ideas, events or people?' Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the Change that you want to … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Dear Catherine Anne, Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "What you put inside your brain, no one can take away." Auschwitz Survivor, Dr. Edie Eger - Your Action for today is: 'to take a few minutes and examine what kind of thoughts you've been ' Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the change that you want to see! Siobhan Wilcox 3435 Camino Del Rio Sth, Suite 310 San Diego, CA … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Here's your QuoteAction" of the day: Determination and perseverance move the world; thinking that others will do it for you is a sure way to fail." Educator, Marva Collins Your Action for Today: 'is to see if you are waiting for someone else to do something for you, and then do it yourself instead.' Have an Extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the Change that you want to … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone; one should keep his friendships in constant repair." Author, Dr. Samuel Johnson Your Action for Today is: ' to invite one of your acquaintances to lunch'. Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the Change that you want to … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "Faith is not a pill you take, but a muscle you use." An Anonymous Author Your Action for today is... ' to do something to reinforce your faith. ' Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the change that you want to see! Siobhan Wilcox 3435 Camino Del Rio Sth, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92108 … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving." Physician and Writer, Oliver Wendell Holmes Your Action for Today is: 'to pick an area of your life--your career, your relationship, etc. and evaluate the direction you are going. ' Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the Change that you want to … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "A window of opportunity won't open itself. " An Anonymous Author Your Action for Today is: ' to think of one opportunity you have yet to take. What's stopping you?' Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the Change that you want to see! Siobhan … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Here's your "QuoteAction" of the day: "Education costs money, but then so does ignorance." Statistician, Sir Claus Moser Your Action for today is: '.. to identify how much money you have invested so far this year towards furthering your education.' Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the Change that you want to … [Read more...]
SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day
Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "Measure wealth not by the things you have, but by the things you have for which you would not take money." An Unknown Author Your Action for today is ... 'to count all those things you have in your life that are priceless'. Have an extraordinary day! Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox Be the change that you want to see! Siobhan Wilcox 3435 Camino Del Rio Sth, Suite … [Read more...]