I've heard from many earth angels who would love to attend our Angels for Everyone event this weekend, but for whatever reason, just can't. This got me thinking and the script running in my head went something like this... "We're going to be covering some amazing topics on the subject of Angels in 2012 and Beyond... we'll be helping each other to learn, heal, and have fun...I'm pretty good with a video camera...people ask us all the time for more videos...I'd really like to make this … [Read more...]
Nina Roe is Taking Action, rising above Mercury Retrograde!
April 25, 2011 by
Happy Easter to you, A Celebration of Women ! What an appropriate time to be dialoguing with the angels about life here on Earth and New Beginnings! If you have had challenges this spring with communication, technology, mechanical equipment, traffic jams,health or just about anything that seems to be flairing up as an obstacle, perhaps our friend Planet Mercury and an interpretation from Archangel Michael holds an explanation... I don't know about you, but for me this month for me … [Read more...]