Let life open like a flower and then fall. Force is not the way at all . . . Those who would take over the world And shape it to their will Never, I notice, succeed. . . The best general does not plunge headlong Nor is the best soldier a fellow hot to fight. The greatest victor wins without a battle. This teacher's emphasis is ever on living fully an ordinary life, and of being of service to one's neighbors. "A person at his best, like water, Serves as he … [Read more...]
Laotzu , Staying in the Flow with Tao
August 8, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS, SPIRITUALITY Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, alive, at home, battle, citizen, earth, feel, kingdom, kinship, LaoTzu, Laotzu's advice, love, neighbour, ordinary life, properly, quarreling, service, soldier, Staying in the Flow with Tao, Tao Te Ching, Teacher, The Prince by Machiavelli, victor, welcome