Teaching Your Kids How to Save Money

One of the most important skills for an adult to have in order to successfully manage her life and achieve independence is a strong grasp of how to effectively save and manage money. Unfortunately, this is also a skill that many parents find difficult to pass along. In the interest of helping your children grow into financially independent adults that know how to spend money responsibly, it’s essential that you begin instilling these skills at a young age. These hints can help you build the … [Read more...]

MONEY 101, managing and spending tips to teach your children

There are few lessons that we need to pass onto our children that are more valuable and more essential than teaching them the necessity of managing money properly and spending wisely. Here are 10 tips to help kids learn those skills. Establish the Difference Between “Need” and “Want” – Modern marketing directed at kids vigorously blurs the line between needs and wants, making it difficult for children to understand the concept. One of the first steps to successfully teaching children how to … [Read more...]

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