Re-build, Re-Vitalize, and Re-Gain YOU = Re-Branding Self !!! Finally, it’s all over. Hopefully, you have your life to yourself and you can look forward to the future ahead of you. However, depending on your particular story of disappointment, divorce, or failure, it may not be that easy or clear-cut. Your relationship may have ended, your divorce may be final on paper, you lost your favorite job, you lost a child. Your experiences of perceived failures might be in the past, but … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – One day at a time
June 5, 2012 by
Our lives are made up of a million moments, spent in a million different ways. Some are spent searching for love, peace, and harmony. Others are spent surviving day by day. But there is no greater moment than when we find that life, with all it's joys and sorrows, is meant to be lived one day at a time. It's in this knowledge that we discover the most wonderful truth of all. Whether we live in a forty-room mansion, surrounded by servants and wealth, or find it a struggle to manage the rent … [Read more...]