The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Connection, Its Means One source of understanding of connection is from The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination, by Jacob Bronowski. The text is the Silliman Lectures, given at Yale University, in 1967, but not published until 1978. This book was a key reference in the thesis I submitted in 1986. The subject about which I read was: connection. On pages 58, 59 and 69, Bronowski develops the … [Read more...]
Connection, Its Means
March 17, 2014 by admin
Filed Under: Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, WOMEN BLOGGERS Tagged With: a celebration of women - women bloggers, aka fingers, Augros, connection, Eve Revere, Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, gnostic literature, Huna, interdependence, Jacob Bronowski, mind light, simplification, spirit light, spirit shuttle, Stanciu
The Charge: The Space – Time Delay of Free Will
January 6, 2014 by admin
The Charge: The Space - Time Delay of Free Will The Charge Motion and its Magnetic Domain: the Source of Selfhood "The Cosmos was built by and upon the principles which became known as music, arithmetic and geometry; harmony, system and balance. By changing the rate of vibration - the wavelength and the frequency, so to speak - varying movement, patterns, forms and substances came into being. This was the beginning of the law of diversity which supplies endless designs for the … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, WOMEN BLOGGERS Tagged With: a celebration of women - women bloggers, alignment, anchorage, attachment to the partial, attention, Balance, charge, colour, connection to the whole, cosmos, diversity, Edgar Cayce, elegance, Eve Revere, Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, free will, geometry, harmony, hierarchical dominance, intent, interdependence, larger scheme, Law of ONe, mind-field, music arithmetic, Origin and Destiny of Man, pattern, self, selfhood, service to self, space-time, system, tone