Gender and women's mental health Gender disparities and mental health: The Facts Mental illness is associated with a significant burden of morbidity and disability, to such a degree that our society is not referring to the 'Sad Generation' as a common term for our youth. Youth these days are confused as they are surrounded by the darkness of the world, we can help them by adding more love and light into their worlds, both children and adults suffer with mental health equally. Taking the kids … [Read more...]
Gender and Women’s Mental Health, WHO
December 21, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: EDUCATION, FEATURED, PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY, RECOVERY, SELF CARE, Uncategorized, WOMEN GENDER EQUITY ISSUES Tagged With: A Celebration of Women,, anxiety, bipolar, cause and effect, depression, domestic violence, escalating rates of substance use, Gender and Women's Mental Health, mental illness, psychological distress, PTSD, schizophrenia, sexual violence, WHO
Depression, 3 Women’s Stories – WOMEN in RECOVERY
March 14, 2013 by Team Celebration
3 Women's Stories Women in Recovery, a video presented by the Southwest Regional Mental Health Board. Three women share their personal recovery stories and how they reclaimed their lives and moved forward in their roles as mother, wife, business owner, worker, and friend. Southwest Connecticut - Norwalk, CT Women's mental health: The Facts Depressive disorders account for close to 41.9% of the disability from neuropsychiatric disorders among women compared to 29.3% … [Read more...]
Filed Under: CONTRIBUTORS, RECOVERY, Uncategorized Tagged With: 3 Women's Stories, 3 Women's Stories - WOMEN in RECOVERY, A Celebration of Women, anxiety, depression, domestic violence, escalating rates of substance use, feeling sad, health and wellness, hunger, malnutrition, memory loss, overwork, poverty, psychological distress, sad, sexual abuse, sexual violence, women in recovery, Women's Health, women., worry