This report offers an updated review of the various facets and the latest trends and differentials in sex selection in Asia. It includes a set of recommendations to combat gender discrimination and prenatal sex selection at the national and regional level. Education, urbanization and economic development have significantly improved opportunities for Asian women and girls over the last two decades. Yet, this has coincided with a fall in the proportion of girls among children in many countries. … [Read more...]
Sex Imbalances at Birth, Current trends, consequences and policy implications
October 13, 2012 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: CHILDCARE, CONTRIBUTORS, INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS, YOUTH of ACTION™ Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, babies, baby, birth stats, books, childbirth, children, Christophe Z. Guilmoto, consequences and policy implications, Current trends, economic development, education, journal, kids, Maternal health, Sex Imbalances at Birth, stats, UN Women, UNFPA Asia, urbanization, women.