A Celebration of Women™
Let us begin by saying that our vision includes the following solution to all gender issues:
“Equality of Women Among Women” .
A Celebration of Women™ is a unique global forum where Women Leaders are being ‘celebrated’ for spearheading positive action that betters the lives of all women. Through the creation of our Alumni of WOMEN of ACTION™, our butterfly effect has begun, creating positive change for the Women of our World. We are advocating for, centralizing, platforming and celebrating all the ‘unsung heroes’ among women leaders, the female trail blazers in this millennium pioneering a ‘new woman’s movement’ philosophy, “Equality of Women among Women”; working to create a sustainable socio-economic equality and independence for all women.
As Founder of this organization, I can say that my vision includes the opinion that for our planet to enjoy a sustainable, true ‘gender equality’, the women of our world must lead the way; and this must start with women truly empowering and supporting other women.Having worked with women from all walks of life for over 10 years now, I have recognized a common thread throughout all demographics of the women I meet seems to be an existence of confusion in the definition of a woman’s own understanding in areas of ‘respect, rights and roles’.
This ongoing state of self doubt affects the expansion of female unity as many women today are struggling in leadership roles. This condition also ripples into a lack of women mentoring women, leaving many women with an unhealthy competitive innate nature.
To achieve a “genderless” world and ‘equality for all’, Women must Take Action now to achieve & sustain an “Equality of Women Among Women”, first!
Self propagated fear and confused state of self value are major factors affecting accomplishment in the women’s movement. Anything stemmed in confusion manifests anger, exploitation, frustration, unhealthy competition, enabling only negative responses.
Only through a true state of living whereby all women see each other as equals globally, regardless of station in life, can anyone hope for a unified approach to equity issues; especially with that of the male gender. There is no further room in these modern times to blame anyone for the malady of a woman’s life, as women do have the power to unite and expedite Positive Global Change. Once all women show a truly united front, gender issues will disappear.
Women, the time is Now to be fearless and Take Action!
When ‘all women’ treat ‘all women’ as equals, there will be hope for universal gender equality, building a future genderless society.
“I personally like to envision our world defined by only the terms ADULTS and CHILDREN, leading the way to a new paradigm of thinking, one that will promote team-work among the genders; and a protection of innocence for our children”. CC
A Celebration of Women TM is working to change the paradigm of the women’s movement through our creation of a central global platform that will collectively feature the work of all women leaders globally that are bettering the lives of all women and children, from all walks of life.
Through the creation of our global Alumni of WOMEN of ACTION™, powerful trail blazing women that are making positive change in their respective countries rippling positive change for all.
As a firm believer that as soon as the women of our world are at peace with themselves; most ‘issues’ involving the men of our world will dissipate into thin air, to a great degree. There is a powerful shift of energy taking course in these times, and perhaps during this new wave of energy, technology, instant information et al, the only avenue to walk on is that of the open heart and open mind, seeking to build a new world through the eyes of LOVE.
The women’s movement in these modern times needs to focus on the ‘Equality of Women Among Women’ first; and then work on all the physical issues.
The developed countries have achieved standards of living that include laws to include women as rightful equals in all areas of living; and in our opinion, the women themselves need to start acting like leaders, take responsibility for their own actions and no longer work from a ‘separated victim mindset’. Be the heroine in your life and the lives all all women. As equals, we are one.
In closing, we will synopsize by saying that our mission is to globally lead the way through a new path so that the western woman automatically thinks of the eastern woman as equal, the developed country woman thinks of the developing country woman as equal regardless of demographic, education, income, sexuality, color or creed.
As Equals, We Women Can Be One Positive, Powerful Force This platform will accomplish its goals through the creation of our global Alumni of WOMEN of ACTION™ and in Celebration of their respective Positive Action. Our online presence offers resources for the education of women about women for women, so to enlighten all women to the fact that we are all equal, all feel pain, all feel joy, all are ONE.
As Equals, Women are One force of energy that already equals 50% of the world’s population.
Women’s activist and Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies at City University of New York, WOMAN of ACTION™ – Dr. Phyllis Chesler says: “ … if Women don’t get united & start caring for all Women, where will ‘We’ ever end up?“
Women globally must lead the way by expanding our thinking, open our hearts and unconditionally care for each other, as WOMEN.
A Celebration of Women™ is the world hub for all to celebrate women NGO founders, their missions, visions and supporters. Through our celebration of positive action, members are attracting more women globally, inspiring them Take Action in partnership with us and assist in the creation of Celebration House™.
Aimed to create a “pay-it-forward” ripple of positive action, our sister charitable operation named, A Celebration of Women ™ Foundation Inc., was born to shape a better world through building residential homes to be managed through our alumni members and supporters, namely Celebration House™. These homes are mandated to enable the education of young women, graduating future women leaders.
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