Celebrating Women Leaders in Biblical Times

Honoring Women's History Month, we celebrate women in roles as Women in Ministry. While people still debate what Paul meant in a few passages, there is strong evidence throughout Scripture that God intended women to take a leadership role. Here are 10 examples of Women Leaders in Biblical Times: 1. Judge - Deborah Judges 4 and 5 tell of the great leader Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, who dwelt under the Deborah-palm between Ramah (er Rm: see at Joshua 18:25) and Bethel … [Read more...]

Celebrating Women Who Achieved First in the World

In honor of Women's History Month, we celebrate achievements of women that were firsts in our world's history in a variety of life roles. A famous proverb that has spread across the world and also often proved to true is: "Behind every successful man, there is a Woman". Modern Women are breaking the gender barrier and achieving a historical feat; and historically, women have lead the way often from behind the scenes; either with men taking credit for their work or agreeably setting the … [Read more...]

Celebrating Women Inventors

In Honor of Women's History Month Female inventors have played a large role in U.S. history, but haven’t always received credit for their work. Besides the fact that their contributions have sometimes been downplayed over overlooked; particularly women of color have historically had fewer resources to apply for U.S. patents and market their inventions. Enjoy, as this list celebrates a handful of truly life changing inventions for our world created by Women that you may not know: Feeding … [Read more...]

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

Celebrated annually on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday known for parades, shamrocks and all things Irish. From leprechauns to the color green, find out how symbols we now associate with St. Patrick’s Day came to be. The Shamrock The shamrock, which was also called the “seamroy” by the Celts, was a sacred plant in ancient Ireland because it symbolized the rebirth of spring. By the seventeenth century, the shamrock had become a symbol of emerging Irish nationalism. As the English … [Read more...]

Paulette Chaffee Highlights Why Women Make Good Leaders

“Leadership is not a person or a position. It is a complex moral relationship between people based on trust, obligation, commitment, emotion, and a shared vision of the good,” said author and educator Joanne Ciulla. Paulette Chaffee, educator, attorney, and the current Ambassador for Orange County’s 4th District, often refers to this quote when faced with the question, “Why do women make good leaders?” Women have had to fight against a wave of negative stereotypes discrediting women as … [Read more...]

Celebrating Women Educators

Women Educators Looking back throughout history, there have been many women educators who have made significant contribution to the field. The nineteenth century saw major advances in educational opportunities for women and girls, from the common school movement in the early part of the century to multiple opportunities in higher education at the century's close. In the 1800s, women began to play central roles in education - as teachers. The selection below is only a handful of amazing … [Read more...]

Strategies to Pay off Credit Card Debt Faster

Are you struggling to pay off your credit card debt? If so, you're not alone. Millions of Americans are in the same boat. According to a GoBankingRates survey, more than 57% of Americans have failed to remit at least one credit card payment. But don't worry; there are strategies and institutions that can help with credit card debt management. Tips to Help Pay off Credit Card Debt Faster Are you wondering if there are any strategies to pay off your credit card debt faster? You're in the … [Read more...]

Celebrating Women in Construction

Women in Construction: Women in Construction (WIC) Week is an opportunity to amplify women’s voices and show appreciation for one another and all they do to make construction better, says a representative with the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC). This year’s theme is “Envision Equity.” NAWIC and companies across the country are putting on a wide variety of events between now and March 12 to mark the occasion. To learn more about WIC Week and to find events in your … [Read more...]

Celebrating Women in Sociology, Past & Present

Women Sociologists of Twentieth and Twenty-first Century: Their Contributions in the Field of Sociology We are sharing this information to celebrate the contributions of ten women sociologists, and how they had made their place in the male-dominated academic sphere. It’s important to take a look at the eminent women sociologists who played roles as important as their male counterparts but have been constantly overshadowed by them. The women scholars of Sociology have historically gained … [Read more...]

Celebrating Women Making History so far in 2022

Role models are recognized as crucial to helping the world overcome gender bias and achieve gender equality: if women can see themselves represented, they can do it. A role model is other-focused as opposed to self-focused as they are usually active in their communities, freely giving of their time and talents to benefit people. Role models are highly important for us psychologically, helping to guide us through life during our development, to make important decisions that affect the outcome … [Read more...]

Impact on Employment for Women in Engineering, STEM Career

ARaymond shares Insights on How they are Investing in Education for Women: In view of the increasing shortage of skilled workers, women are an important target group when recruiting for many manufacturing and engineering companies. We spoke to Franziska Gempp (32), HR Manager, at the international automotive supplier ARaymond in Lörrach, Germany, and the trained technical draftswoman Yvonne Maschat (34) about how the specialist for fastening and assembly solutions is doing at its German … [Read more...]

Badass 18th Century Pirates – Women’s History Month

The eighteenth century was, as any landlubber knows, the Golden Age of swashbuckling Pirates-of-the-Caribbean style piracy. Eighteenth-century pirates (as opposed to their unglamorous modern counterparts) have acquired their own roguish mystique. What is less commonly known is that women, too, had their place in eighteenth-century piracy. Mary Read, Anne Bonny and Calico Jack Anne Bonney and Mary Read are the most famous — and ferocious — women pirates in history, and they are the only ones … [Read more...]

Psychology of War: Selfish Genes

Read any book about the history of the World and it’s likely that you’ll be left with one overriding impression: that human beings find it impossible to live in peace with one another. With this recent standoff between Russia and Ukraine which has been developing over the last few weeks, it seems a good time to ponder why this seems to be the case. How Can We Explain Pathological Behavior? Evolutionary psychologists sometimes suggest that it’s natural for human groups to wage war because … [Read more...]

Can Free Education Benefit Global Economy?

Free education is education funded through government spending or charitable organizations rather than tuition funding. Many models of free higher education have been proposed around the world. Primary school and other comprehensive or compulsory education is free in many countries (often not including primary textbook). Tertiary education is also free in certain countries, including post-graduate studies in the Nordic countries. The Article 13 of International Covenant on Economic, … [Read more...]

Celebrating Women in Government

Full active participation of women in legislatures that hold seats equal to men is not just a goal in itself but is central to building and sustaining democracies. The equal presence of women, their leadership and their perspective in governments is essential to ensure greater responsiveness to all citizens’ needs. Our world is slowly recognizing this need. Over the last 20 years, the proportion across the globe increased from 13% in 2000 to 2% per cent in 2020. Africa has increased the … [Read more...]

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