Time Management Tips to Maximize Your Studies

Women are constantly juggling a thousand different responsibilities all at once, making it challenging for them to give their ‘all’ to everything that they choose to do. The secret to making a success of every new project that you tackle, including furthering your education, lies in your ability to optimize the time that is available to you.

With that said, here are a few time management tips to help maximize your studies.

Consider Online Learning

If boosting your skills and learning something new is an important goal that you are hoping to achieve despite already having plenty on your plate, it is definitely worthwhile to consider online learning as opposed to studying at a traditional college or university. Online learning promises maximum flexibility, allowing you to create and follow your own schedule the vast majority of the time. While there will always be deadlines for assignments, tests, and examinations, you will be allowed to work at your own pace and request help and support as and when you need it. Ultimately, you will have the flexibility to decide how much time you will be dedicating to your studies and when you will be putting in that time.

Flexibility is undoubtedly the main reason why so many students are enrolling to take online courses these days. According to statistics, in Canada, 90% of universities, 80% of colleges and 50% of CEGEPS are now offering distance education. And, countless online-only institutions can also be accessed, such as TWU nursing, an online university exclusively for women focused on providing world-class online nursing programs. With these constantly popping up from around the globe, there is no doubt that these statistics are going to continue to climb for many more years to come!


It can be extremely overwhelming to look at your schedule and see that you have five assignment deadlines coming up, two projects that you need to complete, and an exam looming just a few weeks away. When this happens, take a moment to breathe and turn your attention to making a list of priorities so that you know where and how to start working through everything that you need to. Prioritize according to which tasks need to be done first and focus on completing one in its entirety before moving on to the next. Studies have shown that this approach almost always yields the most progress in the shortest space of time. It may also be helpful to create a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule.

Get Rid of Distractions

Make sure that your space is totally free from distractions before venturing over to your desk to do some revision or to work on an assignment. Place your cellphone on silent and in a different room, switch off the television, and steer clear of the novel that you couldn’t put down the night before. It also isn’t recommended to listen to music while you study, unless it is of the classical variety, which is actually shown to boost concentration in some individuals.

The more you are able to focus, the more you will be able to optimize your time and the more you will be able to get through in one sitting.

Don’t Overdo It

If your goal is to maximize your productivity in the time that you have, it is important to be careful not to overdo it. While you will probably be able to force yourself to study for three hours straight, you will be unlikely to retain as much information as you would have if you had split that time up and included a break in between. It is essential to create ‘study blocks,’ which are comprised of both study time and break time. While everybody’s concentration span will vary, most people do well with study blocks that are made up of around one hour of studying, followed by a 20-minute break.

Always remember to use your breaks wisely. The key is to allow your brain to rest, so do something that doesn’t require you to think too much. A slow walk around the garden, sitting in the shade with a refreshing drink, or filling up on some brain food are all good ways to replenish your capacity to focus before heading back to your desk.

Take Care of Yourself

Proper time management, just like your study blocks, is all about balance. You cannot pour from an empty cup, after all. Therefore, in order to make the most of your time, it is important to set some aside to take proper care of yourself. Self-care is essential, so make sure that you eat well, get enough sleep, and dedicate at least a half an hour to ‘me-time’ each and every day.

Be Flexible

It is impossible to plan for every eventuality, so there are likely to be moments when your daily or weekly schedule is thrown off course by an unexpected event. Don’t allow this to completely derail your resolve to get things done or use it as an excuse to dispose of your carefully planned schedule. Rather, do whatever you can in order to get back on track as quickly as possible without letting the mishap stress you out.


One time management strategy may work great for one student, but that doesn’t mean that it will automatically be a good fit for you. At the end of each week or month, allow yourself time to reflect on your progress and to decide whether or not your approach to optimizing your time is working. If you decide that it isn’t, try something new, allowing plenty of opportunity for it to take effect before moving in a different direction. This way, you are sure to find the strategy that suits your lifestyle and your way of getting things done.

Ultimately, while self-discipline is essential, good time management is also about being flexible, realistic, and kind to yourself. Furthering one’s education is no easy feat, so always be sure to take a moment to congratulate yourself for getting this far. Keep at it – you’re doing great!

Thanks to Ellie

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