Prime Minister Trudeau claims no-one should be afraid to use the word “Feminist.” Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem chastise young women for selling out the cause for supporting Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton. Definitions of what actually defines a Feminist are passionately fought over, defended, rejected and redefined. On the 100th anniversary of the right of some women (read: white) to vote in Canada, Spur celebrates the accomplishments and contradictions of the Feminist Movement and explores feminism in practice.
April 9, 8PM-9:30PM Location: Al Green Theatre
General Admission $15
Students (with valid ID) $10
Why not spend the evening with us at The Al Green Theatre and also come to the previous event on Masculinity for just $20 or $15 for students.
Just click here to take advantage of this special offer.
Kim Anderson’s work is funded by Spur Festival Partner:
This session will open with a poem from Emma Healy. Emma Healey’s first book of poems, Begin with the End in Mind, was published by Arbeiter Ring in 2012.
She is The Globe and Mail’s poetry critic and a regular contributor to the music blog Said the Gramophone. Her work has been featured in numerous publications, including the LA Review of Books, Hairpin, National Post and Toronto Star. She is currently at work on a second collection of poems.
Vicky Mochama is a writer based in Toronto.
She is a regular contributor at Canadaland where she writes the weekly humour newsletter.
She has written for Vice, the Globe and Mail, NOW and Torontoist. She spends far too much time tweeting in support of Kim Kardashian West at @vmochama.
SPUR FESTIVAL: Feminism, Toronto – April 9
March 21, 2016 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: CANADIAN, Canadian Events, Contributors, FEATURED, FEATURED, FEATURED EVENTS, LOCAL EVENTS, SPECIAL FEATURE, Uncategorized, WOMEN GENDER EQUITY ISSUES, WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World! Tagged With: A Celebration of Women,, Emma Healy, events for women, feminism, poetry, poets, SPUR FESTIVAL, SPUR FESTIVAL: Feminism, Toronto - April 9, Toronto Events, woman
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