Marnie Kay is Taking Action, #beliefisthenewblack

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belief is the new blackIt’s amazing when you make the decision to surround yourself with like minded, bright, positive people because it brings out your full potential in life.

That is exactly what happened when I started working with Marnie.

I don’t even consider what we do “work” because we have so much fun doing what we do, and the development I have seen within myself has peaked drastically in just a short matter of time.

Marnie Kay is so amazing at not only guiding you towards the right answer but showing you that you already knew what to do before you asked the question in the first place. She has helped me truly discover my real goals in life and personally develop into the person I have always dreamed of becoming.

One of the most amazing things she has taught me is to be yourself no matter what and this has helped me overcome the fear of public speaking. The best part is that this is just the beginning. I can’t thank Marnie enough for what she has helped me achieve in the 9 months we have been working together but I can tell you that she makes me want to become a better me everyday!

MARNIE LADIES IN POWERMarnie Kay – International Speaker and Trainer with experience in small start up one to one coaching, medium-sized team based mentoring and Large corporate training & motivational events.

Author of ‘Belief is the new Black’ out Jan 2015. This book is the foundation of what Marnie teaches- the power of BELIEF and how to get it working FOR you, instead of AGAINST you.

Founder of Ladies in Power. A program and event-based education organization empowering women with the understanding of belief, confidence and action through effective goal setting and “Success Principles”.

…a message from Marnie

Dear Friends! If you are reading this, it is because you have an impact on my life in leading up to the release of this book ‘Belief is the new Black’.

It is my sincere hope that this idea sparks a new awareness of our personal power through understanding our beliefs. But it will take more than a book to do that. This is why I am asking for your help.

marnie day bitnbImagine if people everywhere began to think about what they believe to be true, and more importantly what they WANT to believe to be true.

Anything of any consequence ever accomplished was 1. at first just an idea, a dream for more and 2. never accomplished alone. Please join me in bringing this awareness to everyone you know and love by sharing what you BELIEVE.

Choose either a positive belief about yourself, a positive belief about others, or a positive belief about the world, whether it is true now or you want it to be, get creative, this is a chance for you to express an idea and inspire yourself and others.

Please send your pic to me here through private message on Facebook, or to [email protected] or feel free to post and tag me or hashtag #beliefisthenewblack so I can collect, I want to create a collage of the world coming together to inspire change.

MarnieKay_660x400-660x400If you do post– ask 3 friends to post what they believe in return and tag #beliefisthenewblack so I can collect theirs as well. I will post all of them on the website for all to see and be inspired!

THANK YOU, with so much love and gratitude
Marnie Kay

What are Women saying?

mandy rae crossfield for marnie kay“My girlfriends book comes out soon “belief is the new black” and I can’t say how excited I am for her and for everyone that goes out and gets a copy of it.

I was asked to share a belief of mine in promotion for her new book, so thank you for letting me be apart of your journey.

Marnie has been an inspiration to women in business and to the general public also.

MARNIE AND BOBShe has become an incredible entrepreneur, even claiming Bob Proctor as a friend and mentor throughout her journey.

I’m so proud of what you have achieved and how far you’ve come Marnie”. xo

Our beliefs are the KEY or the KILLER, the beauty is- you get to choose!

“A woman on a mission to share her self discoveries and experiences to create awareness of how life-changing understanding and adjusting our beliefs can be. So many of us are held back by limiting beliefs that are instilled before we even know what a belief is.” Marnie Kay

BELIEF is everything, everything is BELIEF.

You can view some of the current submissions at – the movement.

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