What’s Your Pleasure, 9 Weeks starts OCT 1

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9-weeks (21 hrs) of group work alternating each week with in person embodiment practices & online group coaching.

We will be communing to practice:

1. Loosening up those areas – emotionally and physically – that are constricted and blocking the flow of love and pleasure.

2. Reframing your life from a new more empowered and alivened perspective.

3. Deepening your understanding of your relationship ‘dance’ with men AND woman

4. Being more open, honest and feeling safe to express yourself fully in your time and in your way.

5. Knowing when to self-protect (close) and when to be vulnerable (open) with another AND keep love alive in both instances.

The combination of feminine embodiment practices and communing speaks to the heart of how woman are in the world, how we have always transmitted feminine wisdom through the ages. We want to feel deeply into life through our senses – our sensual selves – and to be a part of an experience, connecting in with others on a common journey of deeply discovering love ….and life itself and revealing more of who we are in it. These groups are pretty organic and evolving to meet the energy/needs of the group, bringing in each woman’s ways.

The Bottomline:

This is for you to expand yourself – growing more confident, peaceful, loving, feel vibrantly alive and give you the insight and tools to have the relationship you crave. That plus, lighten things up, to have more fun and pleasure in the process.

Inquire further by emailing Julie @ What’s Your Pleasure OR email [email protected]

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