Can becoming an entrepreneur help a refugee live a better life?
I recently had the opportunity to join the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) for a visit to the Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda, where I met seven incredible women entrepreneurs who have formed the Twitezimbere tailoring group. And through them, I learned the answer is yes.
Despite the challenges they’ve faced, these women have been able to create and grow a business serving their neighbors in the eighth largest refugee settlement in the world. They have expanded from four sewing machines to seven in just a few years, enhancing opportunities for themselves and their families. This growth was made possible, in part, because the women had the opportunity to receive critical job training while living in Nakivale.
Recognizing the growing importance of UN programs that foster and develop innovation and entrepreneurship, the UN Foundation is asking supporters like you to help us bolster these initiatives, starting in Nakivale. These individuals have the opportunity to become farmers, beauty technicians, engineers, and other professionals that will generate livelihoods. Please donate to help us reach our $200,000 fundraising goal. All proceeds will directly support the socio-economic advancement of individuals in the Nakivale Refugee Settlement.
The people I met in Uganda had been uprooted from their homes because of conflict and violence. A large majority of them lacked adequate economic opportunities and job skills, leaving them even more vulnerable. Yet, in the opportunity of entrepreneurship, I saw hope. Nakivale is filled with people who want the chance to provide for their families. By fostering entrepreneurship and providing skills training, UNHCR is helping open the doors of economic opportunity for more people.
Join us in supporting the life-changing work of UNHCR.
With your help, refugees in Nakivale will have increased access to technology and to vocational, technical, and business skills training. This will allow the people of Nakivale the chance to build their professional skills and ultimately build better lives for their families. We hope you will support UNHCR’s innovative and life-saving work.
Thank you very much for your help. I know we can work together to generate the necessary funds to successfully change the lives of people in Nakivale.
Elizabeth Gore
United Nations Foundation
Follow me on Twitter: @emgoreun
UN Foundation, Elizabeth Gore
September 3, 2014 by