Why Global Oneness Day?
Since the late 1960′s, when pioneering astronauts captured the first photographs of Earth from space, there has been a growing realization that everything and everyone on our beautiful blue planet are deeply connected. A realization that we are One.
And yet, the popular perspectives and dominant institutions in our society are still primarily based on a mentality of separation. The focus on “us” separate from “them”, or “me” separate from “other”, while appropriate in context, is the root cause of so many of the escalating challenges we now face. Thus, if we want to bring about a sustainable global society, nothing is more important than changing this outdated way of thinking.
Global Oneness Day was created to recognize and celebrate the fundamental interconnection of all people and all of life. It is an opportunity to join thousands of participants in the exploration not only of the idea of Oneness, but ways in which this thinking can and is being applied “on the ground” so that our global society and culture increasingly reflect it.
Join us in Awakening the World to Oneness
When we, as individuals and groups, begin to awaken to an understanding of the world as One, our fundamental motives begin to shift.
We start to see the possibility of a higher ideal – for success, health, prosperity, and purpose – not just for ourselves, but for all of humanity, and indeed all of life.
Global Oneness Day brings together dozens of passionate speakers whose commitment and insight into Oneness have inspired millions. But as inspiring and important as these conversations are, Global Oneness Day is not only about the sharing of ideas and insights. It offers an opportunity for thousands of us who care deeply about our world to be together in solidarity and experience a shared consciousness as One.
Participation is Free.
There is no cost to participate in this live, interactive event. Thanks to our generous partners, and to all the speakers who have volunteered their time, we are able to offer this live experience for free to the public. All you need is a phone or a computer to participate. We want to make these events as interactive as possible, so there will be an opportunity to ask questions and interact with each of the speakers.
Register today and you’ll also receive a free subscription to Humanity’s Team daily email inspirations, plus bonus gifts from some of our speakers and sponsors. There is no charge for this, and you can cancel anytime. Simply enter your first name and email in the box below, and you’ll receive the access details for all Global Oneness Day events and your bonus gifts.
If you yearn for a world that is functional and whole, that you would want for yourself and for future generations to live in, then please – join us!
Global Oneness Day, FREE Virtual Event for All – OCT 24
August 17, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AMERICAN [U.S.A.], Contributors, FEATURED, FEATURED EVENTS, SPIRITUALITY, Uncategorized, WORLD EVENTS Tagged With: acelebrationofwomen.org, Anna-Mari Pieterse, ascension, Barbara Fields, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Barnet Bain, consciousness, Deborah Rozman, Desmond Tutu, Doreen Virtue, Ervin Laszlo, free events, FREE Virtual Event for All - OCT 24, Global Oneness Day, Humanity Heals, James O'Dea, Jean Houston, Joan Borysenko, John Thomas, Ken Wilber, Lynne McTaggart, Marianne Williamson, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, One Love, online events, Panache Desai, Ph.D, Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Rev. Wendy Craig-Purcell, Rickie Byars-Beckwith, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Steve Bhaerman, Steve Farrell, World Peace, Xiuhtezcatl
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