A call out to the World Pulse community, and an opportunity to be heard! We are looking for personal or personally-observed stories or articles within the topic of Violence Against Women/Gender Based Violence that contain a message of hope, a vision, action steps, or are solutions-oriented. Understanding that there is very real and rampant heartache surrounding these issues, we are also wanting to highlight insights and success stories. So many of you around the world have taken steps to overcome results of violence, and we want to know about what works; how hope is found.
“Violence Against Women can take many forms. These may include physical and emotional abuse, genital mutilation, trafficking, forced or child marriage, lang rights and environmental abuses affecting women, or economic abuses, among others.”
A note on tagging: Please use only up to 3 tags, including checking the Gender-Based Violence box AND writing in “Hope for GBV” in the space under “Other Topics and Regions”. Please feel free to ask questions below. Be sure to post your story in your own journal with the correct tags, which will assure your story be considered for Spotlighting on the GBV Topic Page!
Ending Gender Based Violence
The United Nations reports that at least one out of every three women around the world has been beaten, raped, or otherwise abused in her lifetime—with the abuser usually someone known to her.
The consequences of violence against women are physically debilitating and a major cause of death and disability for women aged 15 to 44 years, rating higher than deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents, cancer, and malaria.
However, the psychological and social consequences are equally devastating as the stigma associated with sexual violence and domestic abuse leaves women incredibly vulnerable and jeopardizes the well-being of families, fractures communities, and stalls the economic development of a nation.
Join us in saying NO to gender based violence. Tell us your personal and observed experiences of violence against women. Share your ideas and innovative solutions and use your PulseWire journal as an instrument for change.
As individuals, our voices have significance, but bound together as a global community of grassroots women leaders, our voices and actions have POWER!
We look forward to reading your entries!
Need: Compelling Stories of Gender Based Violence
May 27, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AIDS - H.I.V., CA-- USES, CONTRIBUTORS, Courtney's Story, EURASIA, Shelby Ellery, SPECIAL DAYS TO REMEMBER, The Commune of Women - Suzan Still, The Mystic Woman - Cheril Goodrich, Uncategorized, VERONICA - INNER WHISPERS, WOMEN "Positive Action", WOMEN Taking ACTION, WORLD ISSUES Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, acelebrationofwomen.org, domestic abuse, girls, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, sexual abuse, violence against women., women., WORLD PULSE
About Team Celebration
Team Celebration is a devoted group of women dedicated to sharing information that will better the lives of all women making this space a truly convenient Resource for Women globally. Speak Your Mind: You are invited to leave comments and questions below.
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