Celebration House™ is born … needed, and loved. Show your support – ORDER YOUR CELEBRATION TAKE ACTION ‘T’ TODAY
We are presently taking application for educators, presenters, dance teachers, music teachers, and events. We offer facility with office, complete wifi, computer lab, small banquet, complete sound, projection, dance mirror and more ….
If you are seeking to better the lives of young women, and those they affect in life — send in your application to participate today through our CONTACT PAGE.
This center will educate women (people) through FREE ‘step up’ programs, accredited programs, health & well-being courses, addiction programs, business coursing, speaker events, workshops, computer labs, etc.; as well as, online educational coursing to service our girls globally. WE are also offering our member women entrepreneurs the opportunity to ‘BUILD YOUR BRAND‘ without upfront costs to YOU!.
Celebration ‘Take Action T’ – BUY NOW
April 15, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: CA-- USES, FEATURED, Uncategorized, WOMEN Taking ACTION, WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World! Tagged With: 100% COTTON, A Celebration of Women, acelebrationofwomen.org, casual clothing, Celebration 'Take Action T' - BUY NOW, charity, clothing, COTTON, foundation, girls, men, NOT FOR PROFIT, sports clothing, T-Shirts, women's Tshirts, women.
Team Celebration is a devoted group of women dedicated to sharing information that will better the lives of all women making this space a truly convenient Resource for Women globally. Speak Your Mind: You are invited to leave comments and questions below.
You simply type a KEY WORD into our SEARCH BOX at TOP RIGHT of Homepage and a list of associated topic articles offering truly educational and informative features will be at your fingertips.