The Choice
Harvest – time Descrimination
Refuge versus Protection[originally written in 1993]
What we believe is what we assume to be true,
for the sake of our behaviour, before we have
any possible confirmation from exploratory experience.
What we believe is the guideline assumptions
for exploratory experience.We are captured or emancipated by our beliefs.
This is true because our assumptions will determine
what we attempt or what we refrain from attempting
by way of exploratory experiences.If we assume that the universe is a dangerous place
and that our primary concern must be filled with the question,
“what must I regard as threatening, requiring protection?”,
there are vast directions of exploratory experience
we will never consider.If we presume there is the danger of losing control,
that certain altered states of mind put one
at some kind of risk,
we never explore those altered states.
If we presume that we are ever threatened
by the possibility of not having sufficient of what we need,
so that we must be ever diligent to accumulate reserves,
surplus, we may immobilize ourselves.
We may burden ourselves.
We may captivate and enslave ourselves.
We may so encumber ourselves with the armour
of a well furnished, isolated and defined self,
prepared for scarcity, we lose the mobility of being
in a place and in a state
where there is no fear of scarcity.The universe fosters life.
There is a benevolent bias of favour that converges
upon the life that allows and seeks evolutionary transformation.
When and as we are open, concerning ourselves
with what we might fail to gain,
more than what we may lose, we are receptive
to this benevolent bias towards evolving life.The Vedas, the ancient Indian scriptures, teach us
that God abstained from part of himself (or itself),
with a great fervour (high kinetic energy),
in the act of creation.
God generated the manifest and explicit realities,
in order to generate the possibilities of a greater oneness.
God generated the space-time realities –
to grant the deputy creators (possibility generators)
the delay of consequences which grants free will.The Greater Oneness
The selfhood of substance and form requires space,
vast space, to act as a buffer between diverse possibilities
being generated and explored.
The selfhood of substance and form, the manifest
and explicit realities, requires time.
Time allows the sequencing
of the delay in consequences involved in creation.
Space and time are factors of the obstructed reality
of substance and form, the manifest and explicit,
the possibility generating reality which grants free will.Life, which inhabits such a reality, evolves.
It progresses interdependently.
It generates system gain.
Patterns of order, kinds of order, levels of order,
contain and convey the system gains.
Uniqueness and complementarity, generated by diversity,
yield life-order.A spectrum of similarities and differences characterize life.
Proteins with the same amino acids in different sequences.
Nucleic acids with the same base pairs, in different sequences.
Cells with the same organelles in different numbers.
Our responsibility is to use the opportunity of free will
to become ever more skilled creators.
We are God, at the front lines of creation,
needing to accept the responsibility and opportunity of life.
We are meant to generate the possibilities
for the greater oneness.
We are meant to combine what we are and what we do,
with one another and with the forces of nature.We are meant to be synthesizers, composers, designers, creators.
We are meant to see the discontinuities, the disbalances,
the awkwardness, the clumsiness of disordered human behaviour,
human behaviour which attempts to subdue the natural forces,
while knowing too little about those forces and their pattern.Two nights ago, we learned that the programs
of the U.S. government for containment of nuclear waste,
since 1989, are behind schedule and overbudget,
drastically behind schedule and vastly overbudget.
Money is being dissipated in bonuses and over-rides,
while effective action is infinitely delayed.
Concrete encapsulation of nuclear waste fails.
Glass encapsulation is still being developed
(see 60 Minutes television programme
aired Sunday, October 24th, 1993).In the news, night before last, we heard
that the Russians are dumping nuclear waste in the oceans.
Perhaps as much as eighty (80) to ninety (90) percent (%)
of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from the oceans,
from the life in the oceans.
This life is being destroyed by such acts.
The only act of which one can even think,
which is more wreckless and irresponsible,
is the use of nuclear weapons.Nature, unobstructed, supports life, interdependently.
Human behaviour uses and abuses nature to attempt
to accummulate reserves for an elite group,
who try to furnish their alienated and isolated selves,
with money and power.
They assume they will always be able to buy what they need,
because people will always do anything, for sufficient money.The most serious problems humankind faces
do not yield to money alone or in some cases, money at all.
These are the serious problems involved in the behaviour
of people who believe that because of the vastness
of the oceans, they can simply dump nuclear waste
into those depths, without consequence.
These are the serious problems involved
in the behaviour of people who believe they can
indefinitely delay effective processing of nuclear waste
to their economic advantage, without consequences,
which will ultimately destroy their life opportunity.
DuPont and Westinghouse were organizations
named in this report.What Can We Do?
We can expose the behaviour. Will this stop it?
Will this delay it?
Won’t we simply be using law to dominate economic giants,
who will not control themselves?
Do we want to keep on countering the self serving,
immoral behaviour with law?
How about changing our own level of responsibility,
our own kind of responsibility?
How about stopping the flow of resources to people
who believe in such a way?
How about providing a barrier which imposes sanctions
of another kind?Don’t support governments or representatives
who allow or sustain these practices.
Don’t support companies which allow or sustain these practices.But What About Life?
The Russians are destroying the webs of life
which affect the air we breathe.
Anyone and everyone who pollutes is doing this.
The atmosphere, the oceans and the seas, the land,
all of these vast common resources are subject to abuse
by the few that endanger all.
We could fight. We could try to dominate the dominators.
That would mean we would be using life to conflict,
to fight, not to produce, create, live, grow, etc.Local Self Reliance
Take refuge in life.
Within the space you inhabit,
support and uphold the life upon which we are all dependent.
Let the spaces we inhabit abound with life, plant life.
We must shield ourselves and the life we support
from the pollution of our atmosphere, our waters and land.
We must shield ourselves and the life we support
from de-naturing ultra-violet,
admitted by the failing ozone layer.
We must use the resource of cycles, cycles of water,
cycles of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.copyright 2011, 2014, ECOhealth / Eve Revere
The Choice . . . Refuge versus Protection
February 3, 2014 by admin
Filed Under: Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, WOMEN BLOGGERS Tagged With: 60 Minutes, assumption, behaviour, belief, choice, creation, cycle, delay of consequences, Eve Revere, Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND, evolution, explore, free will, greater oneness, kinetic energy, local self reliance, order, possibility generator, refuge in life, sanction, selfhood, synthesizer, Vedas