A VOICE for a 12 Year Old MURDER VICTIM, Jo Dibblee

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frock-off-living-undisguised-jo-dibblee-paperback-cover-artToronto, ON. – After thirty-five years in hiding, Jo-Ann Vacing-Dibblee is coming forward to tell her story in the riveting book, “Frock Off: Living Undisguised”. Sexually assaulted and stalked by a foster parent, Vacing-Dibblee was contacted by the RCMP investigating the murder of a young girl they felt was connected to her case.

When they were unable to bring the man to justice, Jo-Ann changed her name and fled, moving forty-nine times over the years before finding the courage to stop and tell her story.

Backstory: In 1979, twelve year old Susan Duff was murdered after going for a bike ride in Penticton, B.C. Her body was discovered a month later in a remote area outside of town. In 2005, the story received national prominence when the girl’s uncle, Ernest Gardiner, was arrested and charged with first degree murder. Gardiner was also charged with numerous unrelated counts of sexual assault against six females in the 1970s.

In a ruling that proved devastating to Susan Duff’s family and his other alleged victims, Gardiner walked out of jail a free man after a judge ruled the Crown did not have enough evidence to proceed with the first degree murder charge. Gardiner died in 2007.

frock off author bookFrock Off: Living Undisguised” describes the courageous journey of Vacing-Dibblee from a little girl living in a dysfunctional home filled with drugs and neglect, to her abuse and stalking by a foster parent to becoming the key witness in the RCMP’s case against Ernest Gardiner. Jo-Ann’s candid story of living a life in disguise, changing her name, raising a family and donning the “frocks” she needed to cope and survive is an epic journey of survival and transformation.

“Ernest Gardiner told me he would find me and finish the job,” Vacing-Dibblee says from her Calgary home. “When he died, he was no longer a threat and I realized it was time for me to go forward and give Susan Duff a voice. I want other survivors of abuse to know they are not alone and defined by the events of their lives.”

VIDEO HERE – AUTHOR finally tells her Real Story – Canada AM

“Frock Off: Living Undisguised” was released nation-wide on November 1, 2013.

It is our greatest pleasure to announce that JO DIBBLEE is coming to Toronto, ON on MAY 31 to assist Women Moving Forward, acting as their Keynote Speaker in this annual Workshop for Toronto women.

For more information please contact:

Teresa Kruze (905) 836-5495  tkruze@rogers.com

Archived news stories from 2005

1. Penticton 1979 
2. Arrest in 1979 Penticton 
3. Crown stays murder charge in BC
4. Man charged with murder in 1979
5. B.C. man expecting charges in 1979


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