Love in this era is different from what it was in the past. Today, we learn that everything in our outer world is a mirror of what goes on in our minds. If we want to find love and acceptance, then that’s what we must first give to ourselves. Most of us have long lists of reasons why we believe that we’re not lovable. This list usually stems from things that our families or teachers have said to us, and when we hear them over and over again, we often start to believe them. Or perhaps our list relates to ideas that we learn from our early religious upbringing, or from popular concepts or stereotypes. Whenever we decide to accept these opinions as truth, we give up our power and live a life of fear and limitation.
Remember, loving ourselves has nothing to do with vanity or arrogance—these emotions are only expressions of fear.
When we love ourselves, we cherish and appreciate the wondrous beings that we are. Loving ourselves creates a life of joy and fulfillment.
It’s hard for other people to love you when you don’t love yourself. Even if someone else does love you, you’re most likely to discount it by wondering, How could they love me? What do they see in me? When you don’t love yourself, it’s hard to believe that you deserve good things in life. Therefore, you miss out on the abundance that’s available to you.
Here’s my Valentine to you: Stop criticizing yourself—now and forevermore. Love and accept yourself as you are right now. When you do, you’ll blossom in ways that you can’t even imagine. Love will heal you, I promise. Your love for yourself will work miracles in your life.
Here are 10 affirmations to help you love yourself and bring more love into your life.
- I choose to see clearly with eyes of love. I love what I see.
- Love happens! I release the desperate need for love, and instead, allow it to find me in the perfect time.
- Love is around every corner, and joy fills my entire world.
- Today, I remember that Life loves me and will reward me.
- Life is very simple. What I give out comes back to me. Today I chose to give love.
- I rejoice in the love I encounter every day.
- I am surrounded by love. All is well.
- I am comfortable looking in the mirror and saying, “I love you. I really love you.”
- I draw love and acceptance into my life, and I accept it now.
- Love is all there is!
10 Affirmations of Love for Valentine’s Day
February 12, 2014 by Team Celebration
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