It’s Odette here!
I wanted to reach out to you specifically and let you know that …I am committed to making a difference in your business.
I can’t believe how quickly everyone has responded to the news about my new online group coaching program – it really has surpassed my craziest dreams and hopes. It’s also wild how fast these limited spots are being claimed!
I’m ecstatic…but also worried. What this means is that the program could fill up well before we all expected. I’m worried that there are some people sitting on the fence, waiting just a few more days to decide – when really, they might never get the opportunity to join the club – I may have to close the doors early.
I hope that you join. I hope that you wake up tomorrow, having made a decision to change and get access to the 18 Training- and Q&A-based Group Coaching sessions with me, the 115-page home study system, the 14 bonus audios…
And my crazy, but not so crazy, offer to give you a ticket to my annual event, not just for 2014, but for 2015 and 2016 as well!
When you make a decision to change, it’s huge. You have a choice to change. Why keep hitting your head against the wall, battling the same demons when you could be moving forward with the resources, support and coaching you need to make six and seven figures?
I am committed to your success – and once you decide to join the club, you’ll surround yourself with it! (And probably have the best sleep ever!)
To your Success,
Pssst…are you still awake?, Odette Laurie
December 5, 2013 by