The Evolution of Conflict
The evolution of conflict when humanity resolutely persists in an action
which distributes loss, limit, or constraint upon his fellow human
while accruing gain, freedom, or ease,
he plants the seeds of conflict.
If between the two parties there are other issues of relationship,
social stress may not inflame to conflict.
Stress however, always awaits distribution for howsoever long
across the profiles of civilization.
Conflict is cataclysmic distribution of stress.
If, dominion of one will over another goes
without eventual distribution by graceful means,
more and more severe means arise as motives,
tolerant to the needful which earlier value systems
would have excluded.
This is a mutational force within cultural human evolution.
Each living being encompasses in consciousness
a finite changing scope of concern, compassion and care.
If and when that which lies within the scope of one
is beyond the scope of another the possibility of conflict arises.
If and when dominion complements the concern, compassion
or care which is beyond the scope of the one
over whom the dominion presides, conflict enflames.
To first enlarge the scope of concern, compassion or care
communicatively, educationally, to gain agreement
allows difference to resolve by communication
the substitute for conflict and the possible violent implementation
of conflict.
Priority is another ingredient to be resolved to unilaterally communicate.
The scope of concern does not permit resolution of priority.
Social order requires a bilateral network of teleological hierarchy.
More comprehensive purposes are always able to be identified
as being more comprehensive, not when they encompass some benefit
in direct fashion to the greatest number, “majority rule”,
but when the greatest flow of energy and resources
which meet the need of living beings is emancipated
by the execution of the purpose.
If and when, then, bilateral communication is excluded
not simply because of an absence of verbal notification
but absence of need within executed purpose,
first trust is construed to mistrust, stress enlarges,
tolerance of more forceful distributive means follows,
emotional warning had best be heeded
or violent relaxation of the stress is required.
Often, rate is the critical factor
which translates communication into rage, rage into violence,
too long merely words are manipulated and hope fails.
No one who has ever practiced dominion over another in any measure
shall fail to bear the consequences of sustaining dominion
and forbidding bilateral communication without enlarging rage, hate
and violence.
If a noble ideal manages to contain the dominated,
the noble ideal itself must be full of comprehensive purpose.
Trust in the providence of a larger scheme and hope for equity
of distributed need and distribution of care in order to save humanity
from violence, one cannot constantly remedy inequity
by the distorted field of hope which warps into the future,
the present is not to be despised as something only to be endured
and the future enjoyed.
The practice of human dominion must yield to the practice
instead of encompassing care, based upon bilateral
and multilateral communication of every person’s awareness.
Disdain of the observations of any other living being is the beginning
of what the domineering come to call malice.
Desperate need is not maleficent any more than the neglect
and required blindness which creates the desperate need.
Shall we thank the avatars of humankind who have delivered to us
an ever further reaching hope
and thank the avatars of humanity who have delivered to us
the least violent emancipation from desperate need,
each suitably with contrasting identity
have been madeof religious and irreligious purpose
served a larger purpose,
the advancement of the unfolding human spirit.
Shall we desist to have satans and saviours,
Voltaires and Savanna Rollas, Fords and Buddhas
and relinquish human evolution to the guidance
of a unified comprehension of humankind’s destiny.
© 2011, 2013, ECOhealth / Eve Revere