At the Frontiers of Creation
The East Indian Vedas, the oldest scriptures we know about, describe creation.
They report that God, in a great fervour, abstained from part of himself,
in the act of creation.
They describe an expression of God as a creator,
another expression of God, as a preserver,
and another expression of God, as a destroyer.
In one way, that describes life, more particularly a life process called metabolism.
There is the anabolic building up, the homeostatic preservation,
and the catabolic breaking down.
Life reproduces. Life grows. Life is responsive to its environment.
Life also evolves.
Life seeks the system gains of a greater oneness.
Life evolves in the direction of making system gains.
The unicellular becomes the multicellular.
The multicellular differentiates into a system of varied tissue classes
which combine systemically.
Embryonic cells differentiate into exoderm, mesoderm and endoderm,
they specialize.
As cells take up positions and postures, in an organism,
they eliminate some possibilities, by using genetic control mechanisms:
silencers, enhancers and promoters, short base pair sequences are masked.
As an advanced multicellular organism explores its environment,
especially a multicellular organism
that augments its form and its mobility with technology, with tools,
it is able to explore an ever expanding and even harsh or hostile environment,
like space, or beneath the oceans.
Technology seems to extend the range of exploration
of an otherwise fragile biological form.
We lengthen the span of a lifetime.
We lengthen the period of training, acquiring skills, the period of education,
acquiring information and knowledge and the values we need
to control or govern ourselves.
Moral behaviour is the frontier of combining human efforts to yield system gains.
copyright 2011, 2013, ECOhealth / Eve Revere