Mother’s Day Yoko Ono Inspires the Creation of a Mothering Tree Joy After FiftyWe send cards and flowers. We gather the family and take her to lunch or on a picnic. We remember our mother’s in many ways. Thanks to a few women artists in Marin County, California, our community is participating in a new, meaningful way of expressing sentiments to our moms.
On the main street of San Rafael, a beautiful tree of vibrant colors adorns the city plaza. It waves its branches of rainbow colors to passersby. The curious who approach the tree discover that each waving colorful “leaf” has writing on it—handwritten messages to mothers, grandmothers, and women ancestors.
It is called The Mothering Tree.
People are invited to write a personal tribute to their maternal lineage using strips of colorful painted rice paper. Suggestions include, “Name the mothers in your family tree” and “Write a note to a female ancestors that youʼve never met.” The concept was inspired by Yoko Ono’s “Wish Trees”, part of the Imagine Peace Project.
The tributes reflect myriad feelings, including the following:
- “My mom taught me to love.”
- “My mom will be a grandmother come December!”
- “I wish I knew you.”
- “I love her, even though I’m grounded.”
- “Mom, thanks for all the life lessons. It worked!”
- “I forgive her.”
- “My mom, even at 92, always believes in me!”
- “I wish you’d respect me.”
- “You’re the kindest, finest person I know.”
- One leaf was written in honor of generations of mothers who immigrated from China. It says, “All your sacrifices are so appreciated, as your boys have become wonderful fathers and grandfathers.”
Your tribute to your mom and your women ancestors: What feelings are living within you that you could express? Are you grateful? Resentful? Willing to forgive? You might take 5-10 minutes to sit in reflection, connecting to all the women, living and not, who have influenced your life.
*** Let’s each take a moment to send our love and prayers to mothers around the world who need our support, including Mother Earth. Imagine a rainbow bridge from your heart to theirs.
Close your eyes and send your love now.
May we extend the qualities of loving kindness, caring, and nurturing to all beings each and every day.
With love and joyful blessings,
Celebrating ‘The Mothering Tree’, A MOTHER’S DAY TRIBUTE
May 11, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AMERICAN [U.S.A.], FEATURED EVENTS, INSPIRATIONAL BLOGS, SPECIAL DAYS TO REMEMBER, Uncategorized, WORLD EVENTS Tagged With: A UNIQUE MOTHER’S DAY TRIBUTE, Celebrating 'The Mothering Tree', celebration, daughters, Gratitude, holidays, life after 50, MOM, Mother's Day, motherhood, Mothers, over 50, Yoko Ono, Yoko Ono’s “Wish Trees”, “Wish Trees”
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