Elsa, Avoiding A Knock-Down Drag-Out Fight‏!


MARS IN ARIESVenus conjuncts Mars in Aries today.

Couples who are prone to fight probably will.

I personally think it’s okay to clear the decks now and then, but I know others don’t agree.

I will say this is not the best time for a knock-down drag-out fight. The Moon is in Pisces conjunct Neptune and Chiron and people are sensitive! Consequently, tactics (Aries) to avoid (Pisces) conflict make sense.

The easiest way to do this is to join forces with your partner against a common enemy, even if the “enemy” is the conflict between you. If you fight on the same side, you avoid shooting at each other!

This is a good example of how astrology can help you get along with others, particularly the people most important to you. It’s just not necessary to have the same problem with the same person over and over again.

Birthday coming up? The Relationship Compatibility Report compares your chart with your partner’s using three different synastry techniques, house activation, interaspects and composite charts. The result is a comprehensive and detailed overview of how you and your partner relate. It is useful to evaluate the potential of relationship with someone new in your life or to gain a better understanding of the dynamics between you and your established partner. The report is approximately 12 pages long.

ELSA-jan-2013-smaller1For insight into how you mesh (or clash) with another person, check out my Relationship Compatibility report. It’s only $10 and knowledge is power!


Have a great day!
Elsa P

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