In 7 Days, 1 Billion Will Rise – A Video Message from Eve
No matter where you are, in a week we will rise together as one.
With the addition of Laos, Liberia, Monaco, and Palestine, we are now up to 197 countries and territories taking part in what will be the largest global day of action the world has ever seen.
In seven days, starting in Samoa, the sun will rise on 14 February, kicking off 48 hours worldwide of striking, dancing, and rising. To send you into your final week of preparations, we share this special video message from Eve:
Still Have Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
There’s still time to join an event or start a One Billion Rising event in your area, and we’ve got tools and tips to help you. And remember, there’s no wrong way to rise on the 14th!
Dance & Invite Your Friends to DANCE! There are so many universal songs people are dancing to for One Billion Rising! We have music from Delhi, to the Philippines, to the United Arab Emirates. So listen, stream, download, and dance! Dance anywhere, forget structure, just dance! Dance with drums, DJ’s, anytime of day, in your living room, in your wheelchair, or on the bus or in front of parliament or in the hallways of your workplace. Be bold, daring, disruptive!
Do A Flash Mob! Flash mobs are a great way to get people who don’t know about One Billion Rising to stop, watch, and ask questions about what is happening and why you are dancing. Here are some great One Billion Rising Flash Mobs and instructional videos from all over the world!
– JAAGO DILLI JAAGO! Instructional Video for the Flash Mob Choreography >
– NEW! One Billion Rising Philippines Dance Instructional Video >
– משמיעה את קולי (Israel Flash Mob) >
– One Billion Rising – United Arab Emirates >
– One Billion Rising Philippines (Baguio City) >
– 1 Billion Rising FlashMob – Arequipa >
– One Billion Rising Turkey Istanbul >
– LEARN the choreography by Debbie Allen To BREAK THE CHAIN >
– DOWNLOAD the simple “How To” for making your own flash mob >
– DOWNLOAD the English & Spanish Versions of BREAK THE CHAIN >
- Live Stream & Document! We want you to share with the world what you are doing on 14 February! CHECK OUT our “How to” and see your event along side people rising from around the world >
- Engage the Media! Now that you’ve organized your event, learn some tips on how to get the media to cover your event! LEARN some media tips >
- Download Video & Audio! DOWNLOAD videos and audio created especially for ONE BILLION RISING >
- Document! Post on facebook, twitter, youtube, instagram and Google+ so that the world can see what you are doing to end violence against women!
- Wear Red & Black! Dress in One Billion Rising colors to let people know you are part of a movement!!
- Strike – Moment of Solidarity. Choose a time during the day to take a moment, join together with your colleagues, fellow students, family members, and friends, and leave your workplaces, schools, and homes and be together as one.
7 Days, 1 Billion Will Rise – A Video Message from Eve
February 6, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: WOMEN GENDER EQUITY ISSUES Tagged With: 1 BILLION Rising, 1 Billion Will Rise - A Video Message from Eve, 7 Days, A Celebration of Women, emails, empowerment, Eve Ensler, FGM, flash mobs, letters, London, rape, RISE, rise up, Rising, stop violence against women, Take Action, UK, VDAY, violence against women., woman, woman globally, women rights, women taking action
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