Circle of Light
We are all God’s people regardless of faith, color, gender, country or whatever religion we may or may follow.
About The Swan
I have experienced a lifetime of visions, angels, healing and amazing evidence of God’s grace. There are many true stories shared in my books, lectures and classes. The below is a wonderful story of telepathy between swan friends resulting in their lives being spared.
The swan is a powerful symbol. A symbol of perfection and beauty that has been with me as a representation of celestial guidance, virtues and infinite possibilities. They represent grace and a link between heaven and earth.
Myths and legends share the transformational power of these magical creatures. They are endearing friends in both the physical world and the worlds of Light.
A wonderful example is the truth shared in Hindu mythology regarding cultivating the power of discrimination. This ability is symbolized by the swan which has the power to separate water mixed with milk. A spiritually evolved being is known as Great Swan (Paramahamsa), the inference being that like the swan that lives in water, yet never gets wet, so too an enlightened being is of this world, yet remains free of attachment to it.
- 3rd Friday evening of each month
If you are interested in having a copy of the class being presented on any given Sunday, you can receive it as an attachment by going to my web site by making a simple donation.
Healing Sessions
A lifetime of healing successes with her self and others has provided Shirlee with the knowledge and experience to speak and act with authority. To be completely healed, an individual must also be healed inwardly. If a physical healing occurs without an inner transformation, another imbalance may eventually manifest in the body. The inner self and the outer energy need to work together as a unit of consciousness in order to achieve any enduring and significant balance.
Instantaneous healing frequently occurs in Shirlee’s Sacred Breath Workshops and personal sessions. Connecting with the soul and spirit of the individual and accepting divine assistance restores balance. Shirlee understands the numerous variables involved in becoming whole again.
The Science of Transformation Method is an ongoing series of advanced monthly classes and workshops examining ancient formulas and combining them with firsthand sacred breath meditative disciplines. The healing energy gracefully leads the participant into a state of mind where balance of the body, mind and soul become a reality. This involves attracting and expanding radiant light in the participant’s force fields.
Why continue to struggle and feel separated from the higher Self? Pure intent and the energy of love is a scientific method leading toward wholeness.
I believe there is a donation button through a credit card on the first page of the web site.
For example, today’s class is powerful. It is called, ‘Know Thyself’.
Then email me at and I will send it to you.
Have a day full of Light,
Love, Light and Laughter
‘Circle of Light’ Classes now available by email, Shirlee Hall
January 6, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: Contributors, SHIRLEE HALL - Spiritual Healer, Poet, Author Tagged With: 'Circle of Light' Classes, 'Circle of Light' Classes now available by email, 'Know Thyself', (Paramahamsa), A Celebration of Women, available by email, Classes now available by email, donation button, Great Swan, Great Swan (Paramahamsa), SHIRLEE hALL, Shirlee Hall 'Circle of Light', spiritual masters, spiritual teachings, spirituality, woman, Woman of Action, women.
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