Three Days of Light
(3DL) Gathering & Festival
Ashville, North Carolina , USA
NOVEMBER 2-4, 2012
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Dawn Tevy, along with many other light-works will be participating in this amazing event…I personally will be holding workshops on both Saturday and Sunday. Can’t wait to see you!
What happens when thousands of high vibration, energetic beings from all over the planet come together to celebrate the beauty and power of CREATION?
Welcome to the Three Days of Light (3DL) Gathering & Festival
Imagine, for a moment, that you are transported to a magical space where, for three days, you are basking in the glow of the creative process in action. Music, Dance, Art. Workshops, Experimental/experiential co-created art projects…While there you connect with thousands of other amazing beings from all over the world who are excited about, and ready to take action in (or already are) creating another kind of experience here on earth. A more blissful one.
Please help us spread the word, ‘share’/invite everyone you know.
PURCHASE your Tickets Here
What happens when thousands of high vibration, energetic beings from all over the planet come together to celebrate the beauty and power of CREATION?
PURCHASE your Tickets Here
Imagine, for a moment, that you are transported to a magical space where, for three days, you are basking in the glow of the creative process in action. Music, Dance, Art. Workshops, Experimental/experiential co-created art projects…
While there you connect with thousands of other amazing beings from all over the world who are excited about, and ready to take action in (or already are) creating another kind of experience here on earth. A more blissful one.
“A soul/star family reunion”
This is exactly what we are doing during the Three Days of Light Gathering.
PURCHASE your Tickets Here
Over 50 Live Bands, DJ’s and special performances, and with well over 50 different workshops all included in the price of admission, The Three Days of Light event is all about access, community, love and inspiration.
How does something like this happen? With belief. With energy. With community. Since we started the process of bringing this event in, just a couple short months ago, the reaction and support from people all over the world has been one of love and encouragement. It is the fuel that has kept us going thus far. Thank you. Blessings. Namaste.
Our goal is to have over 100 performers and workshop hosts during the amazing and spiritual Three Days of Light weekend.
All coming together to bring the most diverse, talented, and conscious group of amazing people to share their gifts with everyone at the event. But there is so many more facets to what the Three Days of Light Gathering is.
There will be community co-created art installations being built, by you and your new friends 24 hours a day.
There are all night fire dance ceremonies where SACRED space will be held, drum circles, sustainable living demonstrations and building projects… there will be wisdom keepers from many cultures present to lead in prayer and meditation.
- There will be water blessings and crystal activations.
- Energy work and body work.
- There will be vendors of all shapes, sizes and varieties.
PURCHASE your Tickets Here
Three Days of Light Gathering – NOVEMBER 2-4, 2012
August 21, 2012 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AMERICAN [U.S.A.], FEATURED, FEATURED EVENTS, NORTH AMERICA, SPIRITUALITY, WOMEN "Positive Action" Tagged With: 2012, A Celebration of Women, American festivals, bands, Dawn Tevy, festivals, gathering spiritual gatherings, healers, lightworkers, music, music festivals, musicians, North Carolina, November festivals, Three Days of Light Gathering - NOVEMBER 2-4, USA, white lighters, Women Healers, women leaders, WOMEN of ACTION™, Women of Spirit
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