POETRY – Life is a Mystery @ Manon Fortier

Life is a Mystery

So tired of the constant strive to achieve your very best.

The thought of perfection, complete happiness.

Emotionally exhausted to think of tomorrow, about what will happen next.

Why not live for the moment.

Live for today.

For it may be your last.

Looking around at all others in this diverse society.

Different personalities, attitudes, beliefs.

Wanting to fit in, yet be your own person.

Wanting to be open yet so secrete.

Less drama, arguments, judgmental statements.


Seeing others hand in hand,

happy in their own world of love.

Wanting the same ; your own love.

Your own experiences, memories.

Life is too short to – hold grudges – refuse to forgive others – or to lose faith.


In life you lose, you gain.

You love, you hate.

You experience, you regret.

You learn something new;

something that was unclear.

something challenging,

something that can be life changing.


Physically exhausted of the constant push;

to be the fastest, the strongest, the most talented.

Mentally exhausted of the constant thinking;

to be the smartest, the most creative, most successful.


What happened to the fun?

The life of happiness without stress wrapped around your shoulders.

The feeling of freedom, to live up to your own expectations.

Knowing where you belong;

the way you want life to be,

the way you want love to feel.

Doing what’s good, knowing what’s wrong.

Understanding your purpose in life.

Praying unselfishly for the good of the world we live in.

Having faith in others; in yourself.

Keeping your dreams alive.

Expressing your words of wisdom.

Remaining hopeful for all who have lost hope.

Showing your true emotions to the world around you.

Concur your fears.


Smile when you are happy.

Cry when you are sad.

Scream out anger.

Love in return.

Remove the walls orbiting around your precious soul.


Disagree with the constant criticism, the judgmental thoughts others express.

Ignore those who push you to be someone else.

Be your own person.

Have a positive outlook on life.

Realize the importance of family, friends and those who love you.

Remain hopeful; faithful.

For the world is a beautiful place.

Find your happy place.

Stay there when times are hard.

And remain strong through the hard times.

Find that place.

Find that smile.

Know where you belong.

By: Manon Fortier

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