WOMEN in RECOVERY – Women’s Mental Health is Spiritual Health


Mental Health vs. Spiritual Health




  • Do you agree that although we may not all be born equal, we should all have an equal chance to better ourselves and work towards greater personal freedom?
  •  Do you think that there are individuals and even groups at work trying to covertly, under cover of false reasons, trying to persuade races and nations to accept less and less freedom?
  •  Do you think that there are individuals and groups at work trying to reject the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and weaken the USA Constitution in order to lessen the freedom of the people – the freedom of their spirit-selves?
  • Should people sit by as part of an impotent “silent majority” and let their leaders violate their laws and bypass legal procedures to chip away at their freedoms just because these leaders are charismatic or forceful or persuasive or covert and cunning?

Denial of the Spirit and of Past Lives Prevents Mental Health


  • Is it true that Spirit Health is the real mental health?
  • Isn’t any activity that drugs, shocks or cuts the body’s brain in an attempt to “help” the individual, really a destructive activity?
  • Isn’t any “profession” that practices such “help” a destructive “profession”?
  • Did you know that the word “psychology” means “spirit study” but the subject of psychology denies the existence of the spirit?
  • Can a subject that denies the existence of the subject that it studies make any real sense?
  • Did you know that the word “psychiatry” mean “spirit healing”?
  • Did you know that psychiatry also denies the existence of the spirit – the very subject that it is supposedly healing?
  • Can the subject of psychiatry therefore make any sense when it denies the existence of the subject it is supposed to be healing?
  • Isn’t it therefore obvious that psychology and psychiatry have no real knowledge or real competent technology or skill?
  • Could it be that these subjects do not bring about Spirit Health but cause spirit harm?

What do you think of an industry that invents illnesses and labels people as having these non-existent illnesses so it can then sell its expensive dangerous drug-poisons to “cure” these non-existent illnesses but which kill tens of thousands of people?

Check out what they do here:



I have always been one of those people who believed that many people are being diagnosed and medicated incorrectly. Truth is, I have been known to accuse the pharmaceutical industry of “blocking the sunlight of the spirit’ from the human race, as a mechanism of power and control.

The thought provoking questions above comes from a blog of a kindred spirit that thinks the same way.  Past-life health.com has some interesting thoughts to share.

Take the time watch this video, answers some of the questions, peruse their LINKS  and Take Action!


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 A Celebration of Women would love to hear your answers!


A Celebration of Women

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