Mary Moore
Mary D. Moore
Born August 10, 1979
San Diego, California, USA
( American, Filipino, Spanish, Italian, Chinese descent)She is CEO & Founder of Eagle-Lion International Foundation and CEO & Founder of English with Mary Moore;
and now has begun ALOHA Movement for Peace and Prosperity.
FAMILY & Friends:
English with Mary Moore LLC
Note on Global English:
“Global English” in a sociolinguistic context refers almostliterally to the use of English as a global language.,
making English as a common language for the world which may foster understanding among cultures.
Teachers – E.W.M.M.
Also termed as ” World Standard Spoken English” and it can appear in the guise of “New Englishes,”
as English dialects made local,indigenous, and informal.
In a nutshell, “Global English” in a sociolinguistic context refers almost literally to the use of English as a global language, making English as a common language for the world which may foster understanding among cultures. Also termed as ” World Standard Spoken English” it can appear in the guise of “New Englishes,” as English dialects made local, indigenous, and informal.
So, “Global English” here is more less shorthand for English in use around the worldin the latter half of the twentieth century.
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7-oPmBRlyc
Our Motto:
“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”
By: Helen KellerCEO/Founder of English with Mary Moore LLC
An institute that teaches GLOBAL ENGLISH
Registered: State of Delawara, USA
Office Address: San Diego, California, USAHOME: www.englishwithmarymoore.com
BLOG: englishwithmarymoore.blogspot.com
Eagle-Lion International Foundation (ELIF)
My Personal Philosophy that led to the Creation of ELIF:
The best solution to the ills of this present world is not an upheaval of mass angst
but that of radical “positive rebellion”.
“Positive rebellion” is characterized by radical loving by way of unselfish self-giving.
CEO/Founder of Eagle-Lion International Foundation (ELIF)
Registered: State of Delaware, USA
Office: 1930 Del Font Court
Las Vegas, Nevada 89117
United States of America
tel no: 619-591-8516
THE PEOPLE BEHIND Eagle Lion Foundation
“Know the difference between a crooked and straight line,
By knowing the straight line we learn to live by it.
Eventually lead people through the straight path.
For a crook can not lead another crook, lest they both perish.We need people who see between bright and dark.
Knowing so, chooses the light and abhor the dark.
For anything that is hidden is in darkness.
And no one can lead someone in the dark, lest they both fall.We need people who can separate the hot from the cold.
And never choose to be lukewarm.
For a lukewarm , untrustworthy that he is
Can not lead, lest the world all get dizzy of confusion.We need men who are grounded on the solid rock,
Not tossed by the wind and carried by the waves.
For a wavering man is not fully anchored.
One blow of wind and wave makes his flock fall.WE NEED YOU MEN and WOMEN of integrity,
education, courage, tenacity, resilience. SOLID, unwavering…”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
..one of ELIF First Fruits….
Agnes’ House in KENYA
ALOHA Movement for Peace and Prosperity
What exactly is
A project of Eagle-Lion International Foundation
http://www.alohamovement.co.cc/ALOHA is more than just an e-store.
The ALOHA Movement for Peace and Prosperity, a non-profit organization, is an offshoot of Eagle-Lion International Foundation’s Social Entrepreneurship Forum which is spearheaded by the Founder and CEO of Eagle-Lion International Foundation, Mary Moore, a social entrepreneur and a visionary. Conceived in September 2009, Mary moderated its first online forum in the second week of October. It is a movement for PEACE, following Gandhi’s principle of a PEACEFUL Revolution, applying the Beatle’s way of diffusing the message the fun and easy way, while setting a low cost or no capitalization enterprise at the same time offers a venue for selling products on a global scale.
Further, we aim to promote ALOHA’s deepest meaning, “To respect the Divine Life in every creature”. Gradually developing ALOHA as a brand and soon make it a household name. Let the ALOHA brand remind us of its meaning and eventually live by the essence of ALOHA.
MARY stresses that LACK of MONEY is NEVER a hindrance to entrepreneurship. It is the LACK of IDEAS that impedes one from succeeding in any venture. Through various video clips and written materials, we learned the rudiments of social entrepreneurship. With that principle in mind, Mary brought us to a brain storm as to how we can apply the principles learned from the series of forums.
And the social enterprise ALOHA MOVEMENT for PEACE and PROSPERITY was birthed.
Mary’s Friend, JOSH GROBAN
A Tribute to one of Mary Moore’s Employers , the Son of Her GOD, JESUS….
…that she shares with YOU!
ENJOY VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKrCE6HoC0U
…..She doesn’t want more descriptions; she simply wants to be called a
“Servant of the Most High God”.
and…let’s not forget…
…Mary LOVES Flowers!
Find Mary Here:
ENGLISH with MARY MOORE: http://www.englishwithmarymoore.com/
ELIF: www.eaglelionintfoundation.net/
ELIF-FOUNDER: www.eaglelionintfoundation.net/
ALOHA: www.alohamovement.co.cc
MARY MOORE, today sits on the Board of Advisors for A Celebration of Women Foundation, and is working inside India and the Philippines to assist in the building and maintenance of safe houses we named: Celebration House.
Copyright 2022 @ A Celebration of Women™ The World Hub for Women Leaders That Care
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Mary Moore
June 8, 2012 by