Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos – WOMAN of ACTION™

A Celebration of Women™

is absolutely excited to

Celebrate the Life of this one Woman who, through adversity

and severe illness, found her own Spirit and not only Survived,

She Thrived!


Kathleen O’Keefe-Kavanos

Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos was born to a military family, raised in Europe, taught Special Education for 10 years and Psychology at the University of South Florida.

She is a two time breast cancer survivor.

I survived by using something many in the medical field do not even acknowledge as being real.

My innate intuition.

You have it too.

Learn to listen to it.

It may save your life one day…


I am an agented author represented by Scovil, Galen & Ghosh Literary Agency and has penned the book.

SURVIVING CANCERLAND: The Psychic Aspects of Healing is my account of how I used my intuition to self-advocate a course of treatment, often against the vehement advice of my doctors, in my healing process.

Always work with your doctors, but never forget:

” You make the Final Decisions.”

I hope my story can help you make ‘Better Decisions’.

Kathleen explains:

“There is almost always a point in the process of illness where logic, reason, and medical expertise fails. It’s at this point a patient slips through the cracks, sometimes never recovering.”

“I had completed my second chemotheraopy for my second battle with breast cancer and was at a Christmas party. Someone snapped this picture of me having a good time. It is important to laugh and party in life, no matter the challenge.”

Kathleen takes Action!

….for Her Spiritual Journey of Healing, and gets in touch with Nature.

“It was Dec. and my first open water dive. I landed next to that shark, and the instructor snapped the underwater picture. Since then I have done more than 500 dives and only 35 of those were without sharks. Sharks were my puppy dogs of the water world.”

Sometimes life’s callings are like kittens, they choose you. I never wanted to be a writer. And, I and she definitely didn’t want to be a cancer patient. Yet, here I am writing about surviving. There is often a point in the process of illness where logic, reason, and medical expertise fails.

“Just before I started my second round of cancer treatments, I went horseback riding through the Indian Canyons in Palm Springs.

“The Canyons are an oasis on the Indian Reservation in the middle of the desert.”

“My ‘doctor within’ came to my rescue as I battled recurrent advanced breast cancer that was missed by the medical community. I survived by using my female intuition/inner voice to self-advocate. I always worked with my doctors,

but never forgot to make the final decisions…

“I used this Inner Power to Heal Myself and teach my doctors”.


Today, Kathleen never stops….


Kathy is an inspirational speaker, phone counselor for R.A. BLOCH Cancer Foundation, a mentor for WE CAN– a self-help group.

Colette Baron-Reid’s Intuition Now

She contributes to :

She is a member of the International REIKI Association’s blog and website, ACOR (Association of Cancer Online Resources) blogger and web chat, NBCC (National Breast Cancer Coalition) journal and blogger, USA TODAY Community Blog, LinkedIn, linked to

[email protected], http://survivingcancerland.blogspot.com/, tweets,

http://twitter.com/PsychicHealing and is a volunteer for many cancer organizations and online groups.

Freedom….to help others!

She also writes a cancer Q& a column in the health section of Cape Women Online Magazine.

Kathleen also speaks directly to people as a phone counselor for the R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cancer is the second leading cause of death for women. Twenty-two percent of women who die each year in this country have lost their battle with cancer. Nearly everyone of us has a family member, friend or an acquaintance who has taken a journey through Cancerland. How have you been inspired by others who have had the experienced or shared it with someone?


I hope my story helps you.

Twitter @ PsychicHealing

FaceBook @ Kathleen Okeefe-Kanavos

Kathleen’s Blog:


Colette Barron-Reid: http://www.colettebaronreid.com/intuitivenow

Kathy is Cambridge Who’s Who Registry Executive Professional of the Year 2009-2010.

A Celebration of Women™

holds this Woman of Action within deep Appreciation
for her Celebrating her Life with the Women of Our World.

Brava Kathleen!

A Celebration of Women Original Post: April 29, 2010 Editted: May 6, 2011, Nov. 14, 2011, June 5, 2012

Copyright 2022 @ A Celebration of Women™ The World Hub for Women Leaders That Care