A Celebration of Women™
is heart-warmed to share the story of this awesome woman, a survivor who has “Risen Above the Challenges in Life” and one that has embraced the divine gifts of Forgiveness and Gratitude, and accepting Grace and Taking Action to contribute to the Healing by Helping Others…..
It is an Honor to Celebrate her Life!
Alison Nail
“Inspired Gratitude
for all of the events and persons in my life
has been the single most learned lesson for me.”
What took the longest to embrace was to be grateful for a long, series of events of sexual abuse when I was a child.
I know! I know!
Most people think, and have boisterously told me, that I am crazy for being “grateful” for such a tragic event….
I am here, to share, this Message of Gratitude ~ to those who are Survivors of Sexual Abuse, for the abusers themselves, and for those who have yet to share ~ for ultimate healing and expanding the heart to love themselves in a deeper capacity.
…the Story Begins…..
My favorite uncle treated me quite differently from any of my other siblings and cousins. And I loved it! He would shower attention and complements on me lavishly. He even told me that he knew that I was so mature at such a young age. He recognized how lovingly, and actively, I took care of my little sister and brother.
He sympathized with me that it just wasn’t fair that I, at the age of nine, should have all of the responsibilities that my parents put on me.
It felt so great, to have someone, an adult, to really “get me” and understand all of the pressures in life that a nine year old has.
The moment I accepted his verbal love, he took the liberty of showing his “love” in the form of touching my “private parts”, of kissing me, and telling me that I was special.
He was also, quite clear, to share with me that no one else received this kind of “love” in our family from him.
I was a mixture of shame, embarrassment, sadness, and feeling “special”.
This continued for five years.
…the Awakening….
My mother would take me, my sister and brother to the library often when we were young. Upon entering the library, one hot summer day, the “Welcome to the Library” table held a book right in the middle of it.
It was a book about sexual abuse. I immediately grabbed it, checked it out and started to read the first chapter before any of my family even began looking at books. I remember one significant statement, even though I can’t remember the book title, “Even the abusers were abused.” This statement shook my world and began my life pursuit to heal the wounds it caused and move forward as a survivor and not as a victim.
“Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil“
Throughout my journey of healing, I’ve discovered Gratitude in all things.
...breaking the chain…span>
The hardest part of Healing
was to find Gratitude in the Sexual Abuse I experienced.
While I began to truly understand most of the reasons why my “favorite” uncle chose to abuse me, and many other girls, I just couldn’t see how I could be grateful for it, and him, in my life.
I listed out all of the negativity I could see from this experience. Well, that did not take long! However, as I listed out on the opposite side of the page the positives, I found that words would not come to me.
I looked at the talents I had and what
I was really good at:
1. Acting – I’ve been on stage multiple times, shot a few commercials.
2. Public Speaking – by this time, I had been speaking to groups on surviving sexual abuse and creating love for ourselves and I was really good at it.
3. Writing – I’ve received awards and publications for poetry and blogs I’ve written. All of these talents had a common theme – Creativity.
I asked myself, where did this come from?
And then it dawned on me.
While the sexual abuse took place, I checked out mentally.
I created this whole world of imagination.
After each event took place, I typically would write about what I had imagined or wrote poetry.
Eventually, I discovered that journaling my experiences also helped me move through the pain.
I’ve even written a Story of Gratitude,
“Thank God I was Sexually Molested” in the
up and coming
“Thank God I…Stories of Inspiration for Every Situation, Vol. 3”
I also realized that through understanding that my “abuser” was also abused, while I certainly did not want this happen to me or anyone else, I found a different level of compassion.
So much so, that when I connect with other people, I am able to connect by seeing through their exterior walls.
This talent assisted me in becoming a great corporate recruiter,
and now an amazing Life and Career Coach for others.
Who is to say that if the sexual abuse didn’t happen I may still have these talents?
……..I don’t know.
What I do know is this:
I am grateful for taking a Journey of Self-discovery and Awareness to find inspiration in my experience of sexual abuse to facilitate love and healing and compassion for and with others.
Alison has grown into a full and healthy young woman
that inspires others while living her life to the max.
Here are a few of Alison’s hidden Talents!span>
The Athelete
The Actress Onstage Live!
@ The Vagina Monologues
The Women Supporters
Empowering Women~~~Vision Board Creation
“What an amazing day!
“A bunch of Empowered Women who were inspired to create a visualization of the life we are creating – It’s just a picture of the life we are catching up to! Thanks to Mitch for hosting this in her home! Thanks to Austin, Jo and Mary for making us laugh, dance, and the use of lots of glue!
And to the entourage of Lou, Amy and Cary Grant – the cats!”
The Woman of Faith
The Traveller
….left her Signature & Spirit into the sands of Hawaii…
The Writer
The Soul Searcher
Alison Nail and John Dumas
I had the priveledge to attend an Amazing, Transformational Workshop that was facilitated by: Cindy Dale (http://www.cyndidale.com),
Anthony Benson (http://www.anthonyjwbenson.com/Site/Welcome.html )
John Dumas (http://www.johndumas.com/home2.html ).A few of these photos were also taken by the lovely and talented Chantal Monte (http://chantalmonte.com/ ). Please visit the sites of these amazing facilitators, artists, motivational speakers, musicians, and photographers.
Now you can see just how I live VIVACIOUSLY!!
Location: Sedona, AZ ; Showcasing an amazing clothing line madeby Chantal Monte (http://chantalmonte.com/)The Spiritual Worker
Releasing with Transmutations = “I release all grudges, all judgment, all unforgiveness. I express those things that hurt me, those things that upset me, those things that bring me joy; all that I perceive as duality. My words allow me to release any heavy crystallization within me. As I share my feelings and assert myself, I release, I regain my lightness of being.”
Climbed her Mountains……
The Healed and Free
“Sister,You made that Obviously Blissful Moment a Moment to Encapture All Beauty for All Pervading Eternity…..XOX….. : )~~~ One Love ~~~ ” Chantal Gebhardt wrote
at 10:00pm on October 19th, 2009A Celebration of Women sees that …
WOMAN of ACTION™ – Alison Nail
June 22, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: WOMEN of ACTION™ Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, advice, Alison Nail, author, AZ ., blogger, care, Chantal Gebhardt, Chantal Monte, child abuse, child molestation, Cindy Dale, Climbed her Mountains, Creator, Divinely Gift Abundance, empowered women, empowering women, Everything Happens for a Reason, faith, Forgiveness, Free, freedom, God, Gratitude, Healed, health, inspirational., inspirations, John Dumas, life, love, MOLESTED, people, poet, poetry, prose, search, Sedona, soul, Soul Searcher, soul searching, soulsearch, spiritual, Spiritual Worker, TRANSFORMATION, TRAVEL, Traveller, Vision Board Creation, Woman of Action, woman of faith, women empowering women, women., writer