BE Embracing the Mystery
Excerpt 3
“….Because mankind is collectively vibrating in a discordant state of balance, suffering is the norm. What is at the crux of humanity’s suffering is a serious identity problem. If this were not true, humanity would be collectively happy and not be restrained by emotions and fear. Understanding of the meaning of life and out eternal identity is sorly missing in the thinking mind of man. It is time an awakening occurs.
All bodily and psychic suffering is a lack of harmony among the composite elements of a human being. How can there be harmony if people lack understanding? What is it that we must wake up to in order to survive as noble beings instead of a miserable humanity sowing seeds of discontent? My purpose is to offer an overview of Reality as the ancient wisdom teachers lived it, with suggestions as to how all of us can actively bring heaven to earth as our personal experience. The path of spiritual evolution is demanding as well as liberating. To move forward, the truth must lead. We begin with knowledge focusing on the anceint teachings. The suggestions have been proven as transforming and life altering. They are similar to the sap of a living tree.”
……..more to come…..
SHIRLEE HALL – BE Embracing the Mystery: Excerpt 3
June 27, 2012 by admin