When do we associate, in order to celebrate,
what are we celebrating?
What is it to celebrate?
How do we celebrate?
What do we celebrate?
An X chromosome?
Do we seek prominence or dominance?Can celebration be a substitute for joy?
There is wide diversity
within the category called women.
What is it that all women
have in common?
An orientation? An outlook?
A nature? A pattern of behaviour?
A function?
An appearance? A morphology?There are distinctive characteristics
of the female brain.
What effect do those characteristics have?There is so called intuition.
While there are female mediums
and ghost whisperers,
there is a male mentalist.
While we have a female empath
we have a male logician,
in the person of Spock or Data.As Des Cartes said:
“I think, therefore I am”.
However, do women think
in the same way men think?
Many things are relevant to women
that are irrelevant to men.
The opposite is also true.Can I compare Joan of Arc
to Alexander the Great?
Can I compare Queen Victoria
to King James?
Each had a role in history
unable to be filled by the other.Alexandra David-Neel is an all time hero to me.
She had to disguise herself
in order to gain access
to certain lairs of Tibetan Buddhism.Here, on these (newsletter and website) pages,
we practice a very broad acceptance
of everything from alchemy to Judaism.
We seem to allow our orientation
that says:
this is what I am taking into account,
what are you taking into account?Together, can we figure out what is true?
That is a rare policy (statement),
much to be cherished.In recent years,
there have been some outstanding
female authors and information sources.Here are a few, with links to some of their writings:
© 2010, ECOhealth / Eve Revere
Orig. October 5th, 2010
Edit: October 8th, 2010____________________________________________________________________
EVE REVERE – The YIN MIND: To Celebrate or Not To Celebrate
June 25, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: Eve REVERE - The YIN MIND