The ‘Drag’ and the ‘Flow’, Medicin for Mother Earth Video

Restore me to Balance in Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Balance is found in respecting Mother Earth

Remove everything from my consciousness and body that is not in perfect alignment with your loving plan for me.

Can You Relate?

Sometimes, when I go to a big event I notice this strange feeling of what I can only call desparation. There is a shadow neediness in the air- a sense of fear, struggle and grief. I call it ‘the drag’. The ‘drag’ is what pulls you under, takes you away from yourself and tumbles you around and around until you no longer know which way is up.

When you are in the drag you know about it, because you find yourself clutching at straws, chasing the next buck, changing your mind and reversing decisions (ouch for your money karma) and tearing around working lots but not ever really making progress. ‘The drag’ is literally when you are out of alignement with yourself, and swimming against the tide- it’s exhausting and miserable with no relent!

‘The Flow’ however is an altogether different experience.

In the flow you just need to let go and enjoy the ride.

The right people show up at the right time, coincidences abound, you feel safe and happy and the right words seem to flow from you, your energy feels high and you vibrate at a frequency attuned to the breath of life- with joy and inspiration. When you step into the flow you allow your life to float downstream. You make time for God, for Source and you sit in the sun of your own being. you make decisions from your inner knowing and you don’t look back, knowing that you are the powerful creator of your own life and standing up for what you know and believe.

So how do we step in to that magical flow? Well, it’s really all about your inner alignment. i am constantly telling my clients that success is an inner game. You need to have your ducks in a row internally and not shy away from the deep work that comes hand in hand with your wake up call to be all you can be. the deep work can sometimes be a bit yucky and feel very uncomfortable, but inside all of us is just a lonely, wounded child who want and needs to be loved and loving. So here are 3 quick tips to help you step into your very own flow:

1. Listen. Put simply if you are in ‘the drag’ you’re ignoring your inner voice and looking outside yourself for answers, and if you are in the flow you make time to honour and trust your own feelings and desires and impulses without making yourself wrong.

2. Stop. If you know you are in ‘the drag’ the only way to get out is to simply stop what you are doing; literally stop everything. Make some time and space to step back and really look at what’s not working. Some thing needs to change – what is it?

3. Ask. The consequences of being in ‘the drag’ can be pretty murky and dark, we might be in a right old mess and really need some help to tidy it up. Get support and ask for help, you can’t do it all alone, so ask your seen and unseen supporters to help you see your path and move back into that space of grace where you can fly again. It’s ok, you can do it.

As thought by

Video Online Only – Medicin for Mother Earth

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