VERONICA has short Video to Share….

This is a short new video message from VERONICA.If you would like to schedule a personal one-on-one telephone conversation with VERONICA, or if you have questions about readings, send me an email at [email protected] and I will be happy to assist.

“Be Your Soul”is a message from an entity and guide we call VERONICA via an Open Deep Trance Channel named April Crawford. This is from an April Crawford Study Group member’s in-person session. We thank Jon for allowing us to record this short segment so it could be shared on YouTube.

Most of videos and audio recordings are interviews or converations with highly evolved non-physical entities and guides who can speak (and use body language and even walk around) when April is in deep trance. The Entity that we call “VERONICA” is the most featured but others can and do come through.

This is one of a series of excerpts from deep trance channelilng sessions with the entity that we call “VERONICA” … and others….who speak via Open Deep Trance Channel April Crawford. See the other interviews for more details. You can find more information about VERONICA and April Crawford at

For the free spiritual newsletter written mostly by VERONICA, try

Those of you interested in the work of Jane Roberts, Robert Monroe, Seth, Oprah with regard to her spiritual work with Eckhart Tolle, Esther Hicks and Abraham or Deepak Chopra, Richard Bach or Wayne Dyer may find this clip of particular interest. In fact, anyone interested in channeling, metaphysics, consciousness or the nature of reality may want to view this series of deep trance channeling interviews.

For more information about April Crawford or VERONICA, or

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For anyone who does not know about Skype, it is a free Internet calling service that lets you call anywhere in the world either for free or for just a few cents per minute.

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(For those who may be new to “Inner Whispers” or if you are receiving this as a forwarded message from a friend, VERONICA is a highly evolved nonphysical entity and guide that speaks via a Natural Open Deep Trance Channel named April Crawford.) By the way, in response to some of you who have inquired, this is not me (Allen) doing the interview. I am there, but as facilitator only.

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