Dear Spiritually Rich and Sexy Friends~Great news HOT off the presses…
Spiritually Rich and Sexy: A Woman’s Guide to Becoming Infinitely Attractive
Won Award Finalist in the New Age Category 2012 Next Generation Indie Book Awards contest!!!
RA, RA, RA..This is the second National Book Award for this book… I am so grateful and thrilled… Thank you all for your continued support of my work…
Keep Shining!
Love and Light~
Pamela J. McQuade
PamelaJo McQuade: Next Generation Indie Book Awards – Finalist !!!
May 10, 2012 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: CONTRIBUTORS, INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS, SPECIAL DAYS TO REMEMBER, WOMEN "Positive Action", WOMEN that "Share in Positive Action" for Our World! Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, best sellers, books, Finalist !!!, life, love, Next Generation Indie Book Awards, Pamela J. McQuade, PamelaJo Mcquade, recovery, relationships, sex, sexy, spiritual, spirituality, Woman of Action, women.
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